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Aqua-Vu @ Rockport
A couple of us went to Rockport Saturday, and with the Aqua-Vu my friend has, we were able to watch the pursuit and strikes of both perch and rainbows on TV. Plus, we recorded some with a video camera to look at again at home.
The most fun part was watching a perch and trout "face off" with the jig between them. More times than not, the rainbows won. Still aggresive, the trout were much quicker to the bait. But those stare-downs were a hoot!
What an education: watching that light tap of perch that sometimes doesn't even show on the end of your light spring bobber. And the fish numbers . . . incredible in some areas. If you haven't fished with one before, I'd recommend a rental just for the sake of the knowledge gained.
Good fishin' !
Where can you rent one at?
We actually rent one at Hooked Fishing Tackle. for $15 a day
That's a good price, Angler's Inn use to rent them for $20.00 a day. I would like to try them out, how deep can they go and still see clearly? WH2
How deep one can see clearly is a combination of several factors. Of course the first factor is the length of the cable. My current one is 75' long. The next factor is how clear the water is. If it is crystal clear one can see for probably 25 feet or more, but it has to be extremely clear water. In the summer I can see maybe see through three feet of water at Strawberry. In the wintertime I can see about 10 feet. Another factor is how much light is hitting the water. Yesterday at Bear Lake, in 75' of water it looked like we could see only about two or three feet. This was also with the infra-red light turned on. The sky was extremely cloudy most of the day yesterday up there, and now with the snow on the ice it would be even more difficult to see. In contrast, a year ago at Bear Lake, on a sunny day, I was able to see schools of fish on the rockpile at least 15 feet away.
Thanks for the info Kent, did you guys see any fish yesterday on your Aqua-vu?
Sportsman's Warehouse also rents them.
Another factor now is the LCD lighting option that you can turn on or off, depending upon water clarity. Depths are based upon length of cable with particular units. But the fish sure don't seem to spook from the camera hanging around down there. My friends is a pointing-down set up, and the fish come right up to it and even bump into it like they're curious as to what it is. And amazingly enough, you almost never get a hooked fish tangled up in that cable!
what is the total cost to rent one i'm sure you want a deposit ? are can i just leave you my fisrt born till i return it ?
We have you pay for that up frount. Don't think James wants any more children so the first born idea would be out

Ira and Rob saw a few fish, but they weren't close enough to the camera to make out what they were. We probably looked through it a total of less than 20 minutes.

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