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some tips
i use a clear nail polish with sparkels in them to give the effect of scales and to attract fish , it also protects there paint job on spoons .

go to walmarts sea food section and get the styrafoam boxes free for worm raising beds or to store your fishing gear in . they ship the sea food in these boxes and then throw them out .

a cigarette but works as a good hook protector when your moving from one spot to another .

plain coin wrappers work great at keeping jigs and small lures from getting all tangled up and there easy to label and store .

a small magnet with a velcro strap attached can easyley be strapped to your rod tip to pick up a lure dropped in the water without having to go swimming for it .

use rubberbands to attach your sinkerts on a bottombouncing set up , it will break free if cought up in the rocks without stressing your line .

add rubberbands or ribbon strips to give your lures a little more action on the hooks .

got a trailer hitch stuck in the reciver ? i hook a chain to it and a tree and pull it taunt , not too tight thou . a couple hits with a hammer on the back of the hitch and the tention on the chain helps it to come out easy .

take a small plank with you when loading your boat back on the trailer , thoes jumps you make on a slippery surface are dangerous . walk it instead . paint it and sprinkle sand on it while it's still tackey for traction for your feet .

a strip of cardboard is great for your snelled hooks , put the barbs in the top of the tubes and a strip of tape to hold the lines in place .

a pvc tube , use a hacksaw blade to cut groves strait down about a 1/4" down and in 1/8" apart , put the barbs inside the tube , shanks out , a rubberband will hold them in place .

pill bottels and other similar containers are great to keep hooks , swivels , splitrings and other gear from getting all mixed together . label with a magic marker and some tape .
speaking of containers does anyone know anyway to get a hold of a dozen 35 MM film containers short of going out and buying a dozen rolls of film ?
[size 1]how to tune your lures (flatfish , rapalas , and the likes)

if the attachment screws are not perfectly alligned it will cause your lure to turn to one side or the other , sometimes spiral out of controll .

offseting them can be a plus if you know how to use it to your advantage . practise the different effects that turning and bending the screws have on your lures on a still lake or pond , watch the action of the lure , and then apply what you learn to river fishing , or when fishing in a current .

pro's do it all the time , you ever see them whip out the needel nose pliers on the shows ? there tuning there lures .[cool]

another good tip . even great for us ice fishing guys . the BIG FISH TACKLE HOOK SAFE ! iniexpencive way to protect the hooks and yourself ! and after a day of tip up fishing you don't have to use frosen fingers to take the hook off to avoid an accident . one snap and your set to go for your next trip .[Wink] [/size]
[size 2]To make your rod cast even farther, apply a liquid car wax to all of the insides of the rod guides, wait for the wax to dry, and then buff off the excess. It puts a nice slippery finish on the guides, which increases your rods casting distance .[/size]

[size 2]Don't just concern yourself with how you cast. Also be aware of the shadow that you cast. If it crosses over the water that you want to cast to, you'll most likely spook the fish.

[size 2]For short hitting walleyes when jigging, use a stinger hook and let it dangle free to increase your odds of hooking short hitting fish.[/size]

[size 2]Always use a sturdy walking stick for added stability when crossing a river. Use a permanent marker to mark the height of your waders on the stick so that you can check the depth of the water before stepping into water deeper than your waders.[/size]

[size 2]When using a spinnerbait for bass, slide on a plastic twister tail to the hook, to give it even more action that Bass cannot resist.[/size]

[size 2]If you are noticing that the fish are watching your flies but not taking them, no matter what you do, try putting on a smaller tippet. The tippet can often make the difference between catching a fish and not.[/size]

[size 2]Dangle a piece of raw meat from a shaded tree branch over a stream or pond , on your return visit you will find the falling maggots have been keeping the fish there and fed .[/size]

[size 2]Anytime you find sea gulls feeding on the water, you know they are feeding on the bait fish that have been driven to the top by the larger game fish below.


[size 2]Near the end of summer, many of our lakes and rivers are low, and even sometimes nearly empty. Take advantage of this and try to memorize where the contours and structure are located. Even draw it out on a piece of paper. Note the stumps, rocks, underwater depressions etc. Then next spring, you'll know where the fish are hanging when the water level is back up.[/size]

[size 2]Why not double your chances of catching a fish? Get rid of that strike indicator and use a large attractor dry fly as an indicator. Then tie an emerger like an RS2 about 18" from the shank of the dry fly hook. If you're lucky, you may wind up with two fish on at the same time.[/size]

Never put a hook into the eye of a guide. Metal ones can be scratched and brittle ceramic ones can be broken. Damaged eyes translate into damaged line and lost fish. If you must secure a hook to a guide, use the foot.

You will shorten the life of your tackle if you put it away wet. It pays to let it air dry before stashing it away.

slide your steel leaders into plastic straws and store in a plastic zip lock bag in your tackle box .

use shower curtin hooks to string your sinkers on acourding to there weights .

attach a bobber to your keys , need i say more ?

a piece of wire , a scrap piece of wood ,a jacknife , some old hooks and a little paint and some imigination is all you need to make your own lures when your bored . surprisingly some guys get lucky and turn it into a career .
Those are some good tips buddy. Since I am on the cooking end of this deal I will give a cooking tip.

When smoking salmon, be sure not to inhale, light up the proper end and don't discard your butts in the street.
i'm putting together some recipes together by species of fish , look out , your board is next to be bombarded ![Tongue] . tubedude did warn you , didn't he ?[cool]
I have a copy of his book. [Tongue] Don't worry buddy, there is plenty of room on this planet for all of us.[pirate]
to get free film containers, every time you go to your local drug store or any store that develops film, go to film processing area and ask for film containers. they will give them to you free.

normaly they will give them to you 3-4 at a time, but on one ocasion I received a whole paper bag full of film canisters. they normaly throw them away,

if you are in to using those canisters you may want to concider asking a senior frend about his med bottles, remove the lables and you are all set. quite often seniors get the non child protected bottles for thier meds. They too need to be cleaned throughly like the film canisters to get rid of the smell and any chemicle residue.
i allways thought they would reuse them anywho polokid from the utah board as a bag of thirty he is going to drop off with me
it is I who should be thanking you, this is a timly reminder that I should be collecting them my self, I need a couple hundred of them again, I am teaching a fly tieing class for the 4-H again this spring.
hey there TNT , here's one for you , hook protectors !

take an I.V. TUBE . cut it into small pieces , squeese and slip over your hook barbs , to remove them just give them another squeese and the'll come right off .

or , an invisible inline float . make up a leader line , thread your i.v. tube over a section of the leader line and seal with silicone . the traped air should give it some bouyancy .

[Wink]If you go to your local 1 hour photo Processing shop they will give you all you want, they just throw them away anyway.

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