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boating question
So I was fishing along at 2.4 mph on AF resivior with the wife and dog 22 ft from a bank of willows. From behind me a very fine black and silver ranger boat comes between me and the bank at a very very high rate of speed. As I headed home I tried to calm down. Loading the boat what do I see the guy in the boat. What is the correct response and what is the boating law. I had not altered coars for quite a distance and didn;t see the boatuntill he passed us. He said he did not cut my lines is that good enough. If you can drive that fast who is responsible the guy not changing coarse at 2mph or the guy going 50mph.
The water is good but the fish were small.
Here is some info on boating rules. From my read he didn't do anything wrong HOWEVER, I'd say he was a selfish jerk who could of and probably should have gone around you on the "outside" ... I always try and give maximum space to other boats ... especially when they are fishing. No one likes bobbing in someone's wake .. especially if it could have been avoided.
Not sure the legal precedent on this either but I know it's been an issue between fishing boats and ski boats at Ririe for years. I've heard of fishermen having a heavy rigged line with a big lure and trebles ready to cast in their direction next pass to saying they would shoot a hole in their hull just below water line ( sounds like good way to get an aggravated assault charge). Not sure there's much that can be done unless an officer sees it and says its reckless driving.
100 ft on plane. Bass boat in the wrong. That's how he rolls.

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