05-15-2016, 09:00 AM
Insane day of bass catching. I have to admit, last year I was worried about the lack of little bass I was catching. You always want to see a lot of little guys mixed in with the big ones so you know your future of the lake is alive and well. This year, especially after yesterday the Chick is very much alive and well. I know some may find it hard to believe and some may even think I am full of s#*t,
but yesterday over 100 bass was boated in the boat, over 40 to 50 whites were also boated and I bet another 30 or so got off. My hands are actually bleeding this morning from cuts on them trying to get out hooks on fish. emoThumbsup That is a good problem to have. The bass were so full of shad that I had bass poop all over my boat. emoCool I will admit that size was not all that good when you consider the numbers but, DANG! THAT WAS FUN! emoDance I kept thinking a couple times when I got on schools I needed to move to find a bigger bite for the CBA tomorrow and just could not pull myself off of the fish having so much fun catching them.<br /><br />Mainly had a crank bait day. Derek and I doubled multiple times. emoThumbsup The bass are schooling deep. You don&#39;t see them on top, they are down and you can find them with your electronics. When the crank bite died we shifted over to swims, blades and shakeys. We would leave a couple of those schools after they stopped biting, come back a couple hours later and do it all over again. emoBig
No monsters, had a couple over four and several threes, best five would have been close to 19 lbs. About a three to one ratio on keepers verses shorts. I would say the average was about 14 inches. Mostly largemouth with an occasional spot mixed in. The whites were above the largemouth so getting to the largemouth was not as easy as it sounded. Often before your crank could get into the sweet zone for the LM a white would crush it. emoCrazy Big whites, pounders mostly. Depths for most of the areas we found them were from 10 to 25 feet deep. Water temps are still holding in the mid 70s. Did not take many pictures, too many eyes watching. emoRolleyes Here are a couple of the better ones.<br /><br />See ya out there with the other half of Chattanooga. emoTongue Jmax