06-01-2016, 09:00 AM
After having some fun catching at the CFF on Saturday at the Nick I thought I might go back out on the Chick and see if I could find a couple that might pull back a little better. Did not make it out until almost 11:00 that afternoon since I had to follow up on a couple customers wanting alarm quotes and information about camera systems. Did you know it is starting to feel like summer? emoSun It was hot when I started and even hotter when I finished. Came in at 5:00.<br /><br />This time of year I normally go deeper. Pulled out on ledges and edges to drown a shakey and burn a crank. Both worked but neither better then the other. Depths from 10 to 20 feet is where I mostly stayed. Love to feel the cranks just stop dead this time of year. You never know if it is 2 and a half or 10 and a half. emoBig
Did not boat any wall hangers. Best three were three pounders and none of those I felt were picture worthy. Boated a dozen or more with about half keepers. I am still not finding the big girls. I must be doing something wrong looking at some of the other reports on tournament results. emoScratch Not a bad day by any means but not all that well either. Best three would have been around 10 lbs or so with the best five around 15 or so. Been doing that on the Chick for a good two months this year. Need to break it loose and start hitting the 20 lb mark. Water temp was in the mid 70s still. Looks to be heating up here real soon.<br /><br />Going to try again this year to make Bob Anthony&#39;s Memorial Day Monday night &quot;Day&quot; dog fight. emoSmile Hope we have a good turn out. See ya out there.<br /><br /> emoAngler Jmax