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Just a thought on Utah Lake !
For those die hards that just have to go fish Utah Lake, if you are willing to wade and carry your gear, there is a way to do so. you get a step ladder, 6-8 ft, and wade out till you get up to your waist, set the ladder up, sit on it and fish. We did this years ago down at Lincoln Beach when wading with our kids. We would set them up on the ladder while we continued to wade around. You have to make sure you have a firm bottom, other wise the ladder sinks into the ooz. A bit of work, but it is doable !!!
You sure you're not talking about pyramid lake?
Fishing Lincoln Beach now. No problem launching. Good solid 7" in channel.
"You have to make sure you have a firm bottom,"

[#0000FF]Uhhhh...what are we talking about here? This is a family forum. Right?

With the gradually sloping shallow edges of Utah Lake, anglers have been finding lots of ways over the years to be able to fish deeper water. In former times I did a lot of wade and cast fishing in several parts of the lake.

The ladder trick has been around for a long time. Ditto for guys who would back their trucks out to where the water was up to the frame...and then crawl in the back of the truck bed, set up their chairs and cast away.

In some Asian countries the locals go out at low tide and erect poles with steps and a seat on them. Then they go out as the tide is coming in, climb up to the seat part and fish until the tide goes back out.

Silly me. I just get in my float tube and kick out to where I want to fish. No problem with dinging a prop in shallow water or on the rocks. I just gotta be careful about standing up on slick rocks.
Tubes are ideal for fishing shallow water. The only draw back I can think of is if I have to read- "Foam On the Water" by I.P. Freely, Then I have to go find some slippery rocks to stand on. [Wink] By the way, thank you again for all the write up's. It's been some excellent reading material. Much more informative than I.P. Freely
[#0000FF]Glad you are enjoying the piscatorial prose.

Might suggest you read "Under The Golden Falls" by I.P. Standling.
Sounds like that's the kind of book you defiantly want to read to yourself, not read to you. I'll pick up a copy off Amazon
I fished the Provo right outside the Utah Lake State park two nights ago and had a great time. Ended up catching 6 whities, a few small cats, two carp and wrestled a huge cat for ten minutes or so and he busted off at the shore. - a small obscenity cloud may be hanging over the area- I figured that cat was about 28"!
I wasn't up for wading out through the mud so the river bank was a pretty good option.

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