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Electric Lake 8/16/16 NO BITES!
My long-time neighbor has fished only occasionally over his lifetime and usually with little or no success. Invited him to join me on Electric lake.

First task was to catch our bait. Those tiger trout have really made a dent in the red shiner population. After a few casts, with my casting net, I had netted enough shiners, including many 2 inch long ones, for our bait for the day.

I am thrilled to report that we did not have any deer fly bites.[Smile] This was much different than my last trip up there in July.

The catching was never red hot but we caught plenty of yellowstone cutts and tiger trout. I don't realize how far I have come, in my learning curve on vertical jigging, until I try to teach a newbie. Several times I had to let him know to jerk, because often he could not tell when he was getting a bite. I also had to work with him on putting more snap in his hook sets. He has either fished with night crawlers, cast lures, or trolled and these don't require much of a hook set.

Great day and never get tired of fishing up in that beautiful area.

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Nice work Kent. Looks like a fun day.
Kent glad you got into some fish . Were you fishing the channel or out in the main lake ? I am heading out there tomorrow but I have never fished it from a boat . You have any tips ?
Hey Cesar,
I saw 1/2 of a minnow trap out in the water. I should have tried harder to net it. Perhaps it is the one that one of your children lost, many moons ago, up there.[Wink]

If I understand your question correctly, main lake.
PM sent
I dont have the other half so no worries lol Thanks gor the info Smile
Once again thanks for the tips ! We had a very unusual day we got into the fish big time we just had a hard time hooking up with them . We had over 40 nice size cutts swim up to the boat folowing our lures but just wouldn't bite. We tried all kinds of lures all sizes even tipped with chub meat worm even power bait but they wouldnt bite! The tigers didnt hesitate though caught a few of those biggest about 18 inches . I have never been on a trip like this before i usually get pike to chase kures to the boat but on purpose but nevr cutts lol Going to have to try it again .
I'm glad I was able to get you into fish. Strange that they wouldn't bite.

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