09-26-2016, 09:00 AM
Not a problem catching fish down there. Caught about 40 bass today. :o Issue was many of them looked just like a bass but were only smaller. emoBig
I have to admit several were not too much bigger then the bait I caught them on. emoDoh Many were very aggressive and would just crush the bait, you would think you had a good keeper and up would come one about 13 inches. It was still a lot of fun catching that many bass. I caught bass on shakeys, worms, spinner baits, cranks, jigs and spooks. So pick you weapon and have at it Saturday. It seemed like everything worked. Nothing all that big today, best one was 3 lbs and 3 ozes.(Below) Best five today would have only been around 11 lbs. I just never could find any kickers. I don&#39;t think I ever even had a big fish on. If you take yesterday&#39;s and today&#39;s weights and combine them it would be a little over 29 lbs. for the two days. emoThumbsup I would take that. Don&#39;t know if that would be enough to win but that weight for this time of year is at least respectable. Hope to do so well this weekend.<br /><br />There were already folks swimming downtown at the river, I guess they are checking out the water and practicing. Better be on the lookout for them doing that Saturday. It is really looking busy down there. Hope we have a good crowd and everyone has a limit, no issues and a safe tournament. emoAngel <br /><br />See you Saturday morning. emoAngler Jmax