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Echo today, 1-23
About 6" solid ice out on Echo today, and the shoreline had re-frozen pretty solid from when I looked at it on very slow for us for perch, but we got a few for the fryin' pan....and we each got into a few 'bows to save our day......while we were fishing, someone came inside the gate and plowed that interior parking area (ruined the sled down trail) but then he re-locked the gate when he left....?? didn't make sense....
How deep were you fishing for perch? Were the bows higher up off the bottom? Headed there myself tommorow. Friend of mine was there today and only managed one trout all afternoon so it sounds like you were doing something right.
That place can be fickle. How deep was the snow?
Dang! That would have ruined my day for sure....glad you're out and able to talk about it....I went in to my crotch once at Kaysville Pond 4 or 5 years ago; not fun, but where I was at I hit bottom and luckily was able to bounce right back up onto safe ice.....still ruined my day....Guluk...
Only about 3" on the ice, none on boat ramp, and light snow cover for the rocky decent down the sides of the ramp....a few 'Crazies' hiking down rocks closer to the dam, maybe they did better there for all their hard work getting down and back up....Guluk...
Sorry I missed you before you went....hope you found the fish......I'll probably go again next conditions depending.....good to meet you at Pineview a few weeks ago....Guluk...
No worries! I think it worked out for the best anyways. First 2/3 of the day we debated leaving it was so slow but we stuck it out working a lot of area and structures and finally figured out a winning combo for the evening bite.
Nicely done - good looking trout buddy was up there today also; he said slow for him....7 perch and just 1 guys get into perch at all?
Thats what we really went for because of how well we did there last year. Tried from 10-80 fow and only managed 2 all day. Definately a big change up from last year to this one.
Nice batch of trout.... well done... J
Hey there, It was good to fish by a fellow forum member. I am taking your advice and posting. Ended up finally limiting out on trout just after you had left. The first 2 fish I landed nearly simutaneously ended up being a 16.5" Rainbow and a 16" brown. The next one that nearly pulled the bucket through the ice was a 17.75" rainbow and finally after you left caught a 14" rainbow. All for the smoker. It was such a nice day for fishing having no wind and strong ice for me to not fall through. (I have bad luck with edges). I have fallen through waist deep in Rockport trying to exit. As well as neck deep at an irrigation reservoir by my old stomping grounds near Nephi Utah. Good luck on future catching trips.
Hey, good to meet you out there....overall that was a really nice day with the weather being cooperative, and no wind.....glad you got on here, it'd be good to run into you again....I hear they have good ice back home in Wis..('til about June!)...Guluk....
I miss Wisconsin. I spent a summer and a fall there. The fishing is much less challenging in my opinion than here. I was living about 30 minutes North of the Wisconsin Dells in the town of Adams/Friendship. So much water to Navigate back there and so many big fish.
Thanks Jeff! Funny thing is that 21 incher was one of, if not the, hardest fighting trout I have ever caught. I've caught plenty of bigger fish, but that brownie really got my heart pumping and I was even shaking a bit when I got him in. Would have bet money he was easily a 6+ lber. Really made my day to play with that underdog - and to watch him swim away after some quick pics [Wink]
Had to be a fun day finding that many nice fish and especially such a mixed bag of species... I hope to find a few decent ones this weekend, but I'll be over to Bear Lake and not on the ice... Hope the wind doesn't squash that hope of a trip... After last weekend I need a tug... Glad you two had another great day... Later J

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