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Galapagos Fishing report Jan 22 and 23
From: Braden Escobar
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 02:13:38 +0000
Subject: Galapagos Fishing Report Jan 22 and 23, 2009 Plenty of Marlin!

Were back in Galapagos celebrating the our first day on the water after the Galapagos Striped marlin!

Jan 22, 2009
While arriving on the famous Rosa Blanca banks today we were greeted by boobies diving. It wasn`t long before old long nose made herself present! Terry Carter from Ohio joined us on this first day of our Galapagos marlin season 2009. While much of the time was spent scouting the banks there was no shortage of life or bait. The water was calm, the day sunny and the view of San Cristobal Island was just spectacular. The marine life as well as the fishing would not disappoint us. It has been 3 years since I have seen so much bait arrive this early in January. Generally in the past it has meant we are in for a possible stellar year where breaking 100 raises a day may be possible. Terry carter went two for two on the fly. My good friend "Fat Daniel" hooked and released his first stripey on 40# spinning tackle ever! Fat Daniel has caught many marlin with me but never one on spinning tackle. We estimated his stripey around 160#. 12 stripes were raised in total and two big eye tuna just under 30# that will make for a great dinner at the hand of Fat Daniel who is a great chef as well.

Jan 23, 2009 started as a beautifully sunny day as we ran out to Rosa Blanca banks aboard the Blue. Terry Carter and avid fly fisherman from Ohio and my good friend Fat Daniel came along today. The conditions were blue water and nice calm seas. There were current breaks everywhere but not a lot of life seen on top of the bank. However, under the boat were loads of bait and lots of marlin. We manage to raise on 3 teasers 36 striped marlin. Terry got 5 bites on the fly and released 3 nice fish from 120 the smallest to 180lbs the biggest. Fat Daniel using a popper plug on a spinning rod managed to get several furious jumps out of a 200# plus stripey. He got two bites from two fish he cast too that teased in very well. The small trebel hooks on his popper were no match for these aggressive fish.

This is the best fishing I have seen in January in 3 years and things should only get better!

You only live once so hurry up and book while there is still space available.

Best regards,

Braden Escobar
President ECUAGRINGO S.A Hunting, fishing and adventure in Ecuador, Galapagos Islands and PeruVisit us on the web

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