04-03-2009, 09:18 PM
I didn't post any hateful things about you.
All I did was to recommend that the poster wait for TJ, for his trip.
If the poster wants to go with you, then he will.
As far as guiding, it's not that tough. Just some hoops to jump through and some deals to be made. Getting set up to guide is the easy part. Growing a viable sustainable business that will be able to save enough for new equipment while feeding a family is 10 times harder than getting set up to guide.
Like being a contractor, the 4 years proven experience, tests and paperwork is easy compared to fighting for jobs against illegals that can underbid you because they pay no insurance or taxes. (illegals as used in this case means "unlicenced or un-insured companies")
All I did was to recommend that the poster wait for TJ, for his trip.
If the poster wants to go with you, then he will.
As far as guiding, it's not that tough. Just some hoops to jump through and some deals to be made. Getting set up to guide is the easy part. Growing a viable sustainable business that will be able to save enough for new equipment while feeding a family is 10 times harder than getting set up to guide.
Like being a contractor, the 4 years proven experience, tests and paperwork is easy compared to fighting for jobs against illegals that can underbid you because they pay no insurance or taxes. (illegals as used in this case means "unlicenced or un-insured companies")