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How come it says Greenhorn next to my name?
[size 1]How come it says Greenhorn next to my name?[/size]

[size 1]The titles/icons next to your name is just a fun way of recogonizing how long different users have been with these boards, actually how many times they have posted.[/size]

[size 1]For those of you wondering how long it will say "Greenhorn" next to your username here is a breakdown of how the number of posts reflect the title/icon next to your username.[/size]

[size 1]0 => Greenhorn
[/size][size 1]5 => Bait
[/size][size 1]25 => Shiner
[/size][size 1]50 => Brookie
[/size][size 1]100 => WeakFish
[/size][size 1]200 => Perch
[/size][size 1]300 => Rainbow Trout
[/size][size 1]400 => Calico Bass
[/size][size 1]500 => Walleye
[/size][size 1]750 => Barracuda
[/size][size 1]1000 => Large Mouth Bass
[/size][size 1]1250 => White Sea Bass
[/size][size 1]1500 => Alaskan Salmon
[/size][size 1]1750 => Striper Bass
[/size][size 1]2000 => Chain Pickeral
[/size][size 1]2500 => Yellowtail
[/size][size 1]3000 => Northern Pike
[/size][size 1]3500 => Dorado
[/size][size 1]4000 => Sturgeon
[/size][size 1]4500 => Tuna
[/size][size 1]5000 => Channel Catfish
[/size][size 1]5500 => Swordfish
[/size][size 1]6000 => Aligator Gar
[/size][size 1]7000 => Marlin
[/size][size 1]8000 => Sturgeon
[/size][size 1]10000 => Shark

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
[center][font "Monotype Corsiva"][#ff0000][size 7][sly]Wooo Hoooo!!![sly][/size][/#ff0000][/font][/center]

One day I’m gonna be a striper I'm gonna be a striper bass.....

If you don’t believe me, don’t just take my word for it click on my name next to this post and be amazed,

Although sum of my post have been removed because they have outdated there are many articles still there for your reading pleasure.

How ever take caution, though many articles are fishing reports many will make your blood boil with anger and disgust while others will have you rolling on the floor with laughter and yet still others will have you leaking tears into your beers. [center][laugh]ok so I'm a blabber mouth[laugh]
I see you have cought that Striper! Way To Go!!!
It won't be long now for me. I will be performing the Catch and release myself. I will be releaseing my Cuda and landing a nice BigMouth! I will miss my Cuda for a while as it is my favorite. I will make sure that I give it CPR before I release it so another user will pick him up! All I ask is that who ever lands my Cuda, Please Take good care of him and when you are ready to release him give him the same care so he can be caught by another user![Smile]
short played striper, and it wont be long before I will be playing to the [#ff0080]tuna[/#ff0080] of a Chain Pickeral.
well my new swim suit feals roomy,

I wonder how long before I have to traid it in for a Yellowtail?

any one want to take a wild guess?
Well Dave,
I won't take a wild guess but, I will take a calculated one! You will pick up that yellowtail around the fiftenth of January!
(give or take 5 days). Will have to wait and see how close I come![cool]
[center]I am fealing the urge to grow again, this time it will be a;[/center] [center][size 1]2500 => Yellowtail [/size]
[/center] [center]So much for an educated guess ssor [sly][/center] [center]Didn't your moma ever tell you not to play games with clowns? [Wink][/center] [center]I didn't have any idea my self as to when I would sprout again.[/center] [center][font "Verdana"][size 2][url ""]Yellowtail[/url][/size][/font][font "Verdana"][size 2]
[/size][/font][font "Verdana"][size 1]Yellowtail is the most sought after game fish in Southern California. It is without doubt the strongest and fastest fish on the hook. From the 40 pound + Catalina mossbacks to the breezing schools of 10 pounders, " yellows" are chased all over Southern California waters.[/size][/font][/center] [center][url ""][Image: yellowtail.jpg][/url][/center] [left][font "Verdana"][size 1]RANGE: They are found from British Columbia to Chile and worldwide in temperate and subtropical seas. They are common off California from Santa Barbara southward.[/size][/font][/left][font "Verdana"][size 1] [center]click on the pic to see the whole Bio on Yellowtail

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