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I am new to Utah having come from San Diego where the coldest it gets is 70 degrees. Is it safe to store my floating equipment in an outside storage shed and should I leave them half full of air? Is there any thing else I should be concerned about keeping my equipment safe and in good order? Any information would be very helpful.
Thank you in advance.
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Ya, leave some air in them but I would bring them inside, I keep mine in the basement as I think the freezing temps. could damage them, but im no expert.
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[#0000FF]Spent a few of my earlier years in and around San Diego. Good fresh and salt water action. Miss it. Also miss the year round warmer temps...especially after a big snow dump like we had over Christmas.
If you have the space, it is wise to leave the air chambers at least partially inflated. The last thing you want to do is suck all the air out and then fold the bladders up tight and flat...especially in below freezing temps. Some air chamber urethane...are tougher than thin vinyl. But the cold hardens both and unfolding them while they are in a rigid state can cause breaks and tears.
What part of Utah have you plunked down in...and where to you plan to do most of your fishing...and for what species. I'm sure we can shorten your learning curve.
Welcome aboard.
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We moved to West Jordan and love it! Just came back from San Diego and the traffic was very bad, took 9 hours just to get to State Line Na. I do miss the weather but not the people.
I have been fishing in a Cumberland float tube for about 6 years in the bay. Love that Cumberland! Just purchased an inexpensive Creek company pontoon boat from Cabelas with high expectations of lots of fishing. Just learning how to fly fish and looking forward to many outings, however,I still look like Elmer Fud in a wind storm but with some more practice I wont stand out to bad.
I am looking for a place to repair my bate cast reel so if any one knows of a good place please let me know.
I would just like to close by saying that from the short time on this site I am very impressed with the group of people here and the help and information that they provide. Glade to be part of the gang.
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[#0000FF]You live in the same general area of the valley I do. I'd be glad to look at your reel. However, I do a lot better with spinning reels.
As air and water temps warm up a bit you can stay tuned and see where the action is. If you haven't already done so you should visit the Utah General fishing board [url ""]LINK[/url] for more activity and a wider range of reporting.
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It so kind of you to look at my reel. If you would like to send me your information I will call and set up a time to see you and you can tell me if my reel is repairable.
My e mail address is if you don't want to post it on this site.
thank you
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[#0000FF]I will send it by our PM (private message) function. It should be tied to your email so you will get notification when you have a message. Or there will be a red indicator on top of this page after it is there.
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That's Tube Dude for ya always helping someone learn and or enjoy fishing around here. If we had a BFD man of the year nobody else would get any votes.
He's got a tube-emporium that everyone that ever went there learned something and came away better for it.
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[#0000FF]Blush, blush.
Thanks for the kindly comments.
Haven't seen you for a while. Seen a few posts last year and it looks like you are doing pretty well on the still waters.
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Welcome aboard rusty-hook and thank you for sharing with us.
I am still in the LA area but still enjoy tubing fresh and salt water. Traffic is no better here than in San Dawg. [crazy]
There is plenty to learn from this forum and the wise Master Tube Dude is my number one choice for information.
Please feel free to share anything you would like to share here and don't hesitate to ask questions. We all learn from each other. [cool]
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Welcome to the board.
I am of a different opinion, but I have never owned a Vinyl boat.
I have had Urethane or bladderless for about 25 years.
I do suck the air out of all 6 of my boats every late fall season and have been able to use them if needed in freezing temps
I just bring them indoor over night then inflate.
A couple of my boats are 17 years old and never a leak, still look new.
4 of my boats are in a duffel bag till needed, the 14' inflatable is rolled up on a shelf as in my Stand up Paddle board.
My stand up pontoon (Fuzion) is however inflated year round. Because of it's lack of size it is hanging from the rafters in our unheated garage.
Just a second opinion from this ol' gal.