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jordan river?
hello everyone, after four long years i was able to log back into my account here, been viewing regularly here, but going to the get back into the spirit and start posting so i had some questions for you guys. so about a year ago i introduced my girlfriend to fishing, and she loved everything about it. we go every chance we get, but she is now 8 months pregnant and recently we have been going down to utah lake and slaughtering catfish. with utah lake its easy to get to we can just drive right up and drop a couple lines and catch fish, fairly simple but we would love to go fishing more and with me working until 8 PM and about to start a job at the post office getting up there on weekdays just isn't possible and it's also causing my 3.5 L v6 altima to suck up gas (wishing i got a 4 Cyl ha) now as a kid i remember my father would always take me fishing later at night on different spots of the jordan river and we would always catch about 6-7 kitties or carp before i would fall asleep and he would continue to fish all night. so i was wondering any of the place around here in salt lake on the jordan river would provide decent fishing? i was thinking about trying the part of the river on 5400 S right infront of millrace dog park/pond in taylorsville or maybe even along the jordan river park way across from willow park pond, i just want a place we can go and relax on weekend nights and possibly catch a few fish. i know a lot of people are going to tell me about these fantastic community fisheries, but maybe it's just me. but i can't ever catch a thing out of any of those places i feel like they're fished out within a day of being stocked, the last time i saw somebody catch anything at willow pond was over a year ago, the last time i caught something at willow was like a year and a half ago. i just really don't enjoy the atmosphere of these places that much. maybe it's just me. sorry about the long rambling post and bad grammar, just excited to be back. well if you managed to read this whole thing any help on the topic at hand is appreciated
I've caught decent sized channels out of the those two places you have mentioned. A lot of mudders by mill race though.
Welcome back.[cool]
well at least now i have some hope of catching a couple tonight (: thanks i'll let everyone know how it goes
No problem man. Good luck!

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