06-27-2014, 08:32 PM
[][fishon]yesterday i had post asking about fishing at the jordan river, well i was so anxious i just couldn't stop talking about fishing to my co-workers, and one of my buddies from work who just moved here less than a year ago from southern California. and he revealed to me he had never been fishing. so we made plans for me him and his brother to try fishing the jordan river since it's so close. around 7 Pm with one hour left of work our hopes of going dwindled down to next to nothing but alas we got off at 8 and it had stopped raining so we wen't over to walmart picked up an extra pole a license and some fishing baits. we arrived at jordan river parkway in muarry across from mill race park pond on 5400 S we quickly realized the water was moving way too fast for the 3 of us to fish that small area, so around 1030 i suggested we all walk over to the millrace pond and try our luck there, we went out to the pier that stands a good 8-9 feet above the water. and each tried a different bait, after a little while with no bites i could sense my buddy giving up hope on his first fishing trip, well we decided to switch over to good' ol bass casting sinkers and power bait. my buddy made his cast and no sooner than 5 second of his sinker hitting the bottom his pole looks as if it's going to snap in half, he starts to reel it in and i can tell it's a HUGE fish ( well at least on the 5'0 Ultra light ) after a good ten minute fight he goes to pull it up the pier vertically and the line snaps. i've never seen someones mood change so quick he quickly stated that we're not leaving until he got one into shore, so we moved onto the shore line and after about a half hour he gets another bite and again it's feels and looks like a biggie, after a ten minute battle he had reeled in his first fish, a nice sized one too. and catfish really will eat anything because it hit on powerbait ha happy fishin y'all