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Jordanelle and Rockport (report)

FishFearMe, HookedChica, her dad and myself hit Jordanelle early this morning. Got to the lake at 7:15 and the temp gauge in my car said -1 degrees. COLD COLD COLD. We headed out and fished in about 10 feet of water and caught a few small 5 inch perch, moved to 15 feet of water and I caught a nice 16 inch bow and a few more perch, Moved around to find deeper water, I stayed on the North side of the bay looking for deeper water but the deepest I could find was about 20 feet, i am sure if I went over towards the cliffs on the South side I could have gotten deeper. I was used foxee jigs, just a 1/16 green jig head tipped with perch meat and crawler. and also a small sparkly green tube jig with a 1/16 jig head tipped with the same. There was quite a few people on Jordanelle this morning, also ran into Lundman and his buddy, was nice to see him again!!!


FishFearMe and I decided to hit Rockport at about 1:30. It sounded like it was the place to be this morning, but by the time we got there the bite had died, in about a hour, FFM got a couple of good bites and I caught another 16 inch rainbow.

All in all we had a great day!!!!
Sounds like a pretty good day to me. Two fishing spots in one day! It sure was chilly though. How thick was the ice at Jordanelle?
starting at where the road meets the water is about 7-8inches and dropping a inch every 100 yards.
Good to hear you got some fish . OK , I got to have some details . How thick of ice did you find ? and how far on the north side did you go ? There is a point with rocks on the north side and a sharp drop off .Not knowing if the water has come up but it should be the 2nd major point on the north side . Did you go that far out ? It should be in the 20' range . In the summer I kicked out there and it was 28' drop off in about 12' out from shore . I might go check it out after work some night .
HookedChica and I went over by that rockpile you are talking about and it was about 3 inches of good clear ice with 3 inches of frozen slush on the top of that ice. we fished there and got a few 8-10 inch perch and a few good hits like they could have been trout. It was after the bite dropped off closer to the road we went over there. I would imagine you would be good to go a bit further, but I dont like 2 inches of ice. but with as cold as it has been it will freeze even more in a hurry. The water is way down from summer and we were only in about 20 feet of water there. We fished 12, 20 and 50 feet from shore and from the 12 to 50 it only went from about 20 to 25 feet of water, (sorry no sonar, just guesstamation)
[yellow][size 4]Were people keeping the Perchases or throwing back the little ones. If I may suggest, keep all perch, leave them on the ice, or toss them in the trees. The 50 fish limit is to try to put a dent in the perch numbers. There are alot of critters in the woods or in the air that would love to feast on the perchies.[/size][/yellow]
Between my lab and FFM mastiff they were doing a great job keeping the perch population down. We couldnt get them unhooked and one of the 2 of them would be off with it!!!
[size 2]Sounds fun. I wish I hadn't had to put my German Shephard down last year. He would of had a blast. He always found open water the hard way at Strawberry. [/size]
thanks for the info . I know of some flooded brush in that area I would like to try . Sounds like plenty of ice for me .
Jordanelle was a lot of fun today... I enjoyed meeting some new BFTer's and got quite the work out following Rob around. He just carries his rod and auger around the whole lake!! Towards the end he set up his tent with a heater for me, so all is forgiven[angelic].

No ATV's. I wouldn't recommend them just yet. The ice was a bit sketchy the farther out you went... Overall it was a great day. Lots of sunshine 'til about noon. I wish I could've gone to Rockport, but my dad couldn't miss his Broncos game. Sounds like I didn't miss out on much though... [Wink]
So, do they still charge you to get in the State Park this time of year? The only time I got out to Jordanelle this year was when we met up for the perch party way back in September.
Yes they do, and I dont want to get this started again this year, but I did not agree but paid my $7 anyways. THey dont maintain the road and the only facility open is a smelly outhouse. I tried to get away from paying, but the park lady nicely walked out on the ice and said I could just give her the money and she would put a thing on my car.
HAHAHA!!! lol

Wow, that was soooooooo thoughtful of her!!


Good suggestion to keep the perch, but careful about throwing them out in the trees--that is illegal.
hehe dont get me started polo on this subject.
I was thinking of u during this whole thing Xman, i remember reading your controversies when I first signed on to BFT.
It was really nice to get out and fish with ol rob again and meet steph and her father (hell of a nice guy). The weather was definetley cold but the fishing and company made up for that. The sunn was acctuly out for a couple hours and that made it really nice. Nice to see Lundman up there again to. By the Rob. Ol' grizz still hasent woke up yet .... [pirate] [Wink]

Ahhhh and I did not one see any holes being stolen by Chicka[Tongue]
Never heard throwing perch, suckers, and other crap garbage fish in the trees. Animals usually take em and eat them. It's like a free dinner on a platter. Where does it say in the proclamation? Don't give me the wasteful trashing of wildlife stuff. I've seen DWR dump garbage fish in the dumpsters at Fishlake.
You'd think they would read their own proclamaition wouldn't you. But its OK because its a Government entity. Someone should get pics of that and sent it to the papers then see what kind of bru-haha becomes of it.

You or I do something like that and we get taken to the cleaners.
2 summers ago at jordanelle a buddy and I caught over 200 chubs and I just kept throwing them in the boat to dispose of them later. The DWR officer came by to see all the fish we had caught and said why transport them all around the lake and proceeded to throw them like granades toward the shore. I just looked at him and said ok and proceeded with the fish toss into the sage brush. I guess if you are the law u are above it??? I had no problems with leaving some nice tasty treats for the birds and critters, but if I was caught doing that, for sure I would have gotten a fine.

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