03-06-2017, 04:03 AM
Jc Sportfishing Weekly Fish Report.
As the Admiral Seas It
Fishing Report: 2/27/17 to 3/6/17
Stop By Our Office for up to Date Fishing Report.
[center]Spring Breakers Starting to Showup![/center]
[center]Marlin Fshing Slow Offshore![/center]
[center]Large School of Sierras at Golden Gate![/center]
[center]Few Tuna Offshore at San Jamie Banks[/center]
[center]Big Football Size Tuna a Mile of Arch 25lbs[/center]
[center]Our BoB Marlin Lands 3 35lb Tuna on Kite![/center]
[center]Yellowtail at Margarita and Ranch Migrino![/center]
[center]Roosters Slowing Down![/center]
[center]Triggerfish All Over the Place Inshore![/center]
[center]Taking Fish Home from Cabo Info Inside ?[/center]
[center]2 Lobster Recipes inside?[/center]
[center]JC vows: “I Will Take Back Marlin Association Presidency”![/center]
[center] [/center]
[center]Chris Shouted: JC, is The Supreme Leader of Marlin ![/center]
[center]Fish Report Boy says: JC, is a Puppet, Put in Power by the New World Marlin Order![/center]
[center]JamieB says: JC, is an Admiral in the Marlin World Army![/center]
[center]Darrel says: JC, Why That Lil Twirp Couldn’t Lead a Group of Bluebirds ![/center]
[center]The Brits say: JC, Yea They Call Him the Neville Chamberlin of the Marlin World Army, in Other Words the the Lil Coward Couldn’t Lead a Troop Girlscouts Selling Cookies. The Clown has Been Known to Eat All the Profits ![/center]
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HEADLINES: March 6, 2017:
JC stuns community”and says”I will retake what is rightfully mine and that is President and the supreme leader of the world Marlin Association”!! Supreme Leader JC? He went on to say: “ive seen fire, and ive seen rain, and ive also seen a few nice Bluegills, but the stars have aligned, and the Gods have chosen me, as their privileged child to take the throne again as President and commander in chief of the world Marlin association and its army!! Army JC? “He went on to say he was going to dispatch all his disciples to many strategic places on the globe to await further instructions and tips on Marlin Fishing”I asked him who he thought he was making a claim like this? And he said: “I hired you to write that dumb fishing report and thats all you need to know”The he said: “You are half a sandwich in this picnic, and if your not careful I will strip you of your pension”Pension? For writing the report!! Whatever JC!!
Jc Sportfishing Charters is a family owned and operated business and has been fishing in Cabo San Lucas for the past 18 years. Jerry, explains that his charter business is geared more for families and novice anglers, making sure everyone who charters a boat with him have a great time and lots of fun. We welcome families, and groups. We want everyone who fishes with us to take all the sites in and have a memorable experience. This is what is most important to us. We have and do a few tournaments each year and can cater to fisherman who might be interested in tournament fishing. Well lets get on with the fishing report for this past week.
WEATHER: We really cant ask for any better weather than we had for the last couple weeks. The sun just continues to shine about every day. We have had a couple overcast days but nothing major. Highs around the mid to ladder 80,s and lows in the mid to lower 60,s. Everyone knows why so many people do come to Cabo and it’s the near perfect weather year round. We do get some hotter months in July, August and September but during those months, all the fishing and water sports here, are really good.
WATER: Well, quite the contrast of water temperatures from the Pacific side to up inside the Sea of Cortez. I was looking at the Temp Break map and it shows lots of really cool water on Pacific, from entrance at Cabo harbor, south east towards Gordo Banks, its all really warm water. From 69 in some areas on Pacific to 72 on the other side of Gordo Banks. I think we know where e will be finding the fish over the next week.
This link which will show you water temperatures for the southern half of Baja. [url "http://www.tempbreak.com/index.php?&cwregion=cb"]http://www.tempbreak.com/index.php?&cwregion=cb[/url]
BILLFISH: Striped Marlin fishing has been pretty slow this past week and most fish being landed on ballyhoo along with pitching live bait, with a few on lures. Striped Marlin hasnt been good all week, on either the Pacific side or the Sea of Cortez. Pretty much over the last 2 weeks we haven’t had that much Marlin activity.
DORADO: Pretty slow for Dorado over the last week I haven’t heard of to much at all.
Some interesting facts on Dorado:
1. Turquoise, green, and yellow patterns; can be distinguished from the pompano dolphin by its 55 to 66 dorsal fin rays and a very wide, square tooth patch on the
2. The largest dolphin fish length reported is almost 7 feet (2.1 m); the maximum weight reported is 88 pounds (40 kg).
3. Growth is extremely rapid. Specific rates vary among regions and are sensitive to water temperatures.
4. Oceanic pelagic fish; generally restricted to waters warmer than 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20º C)
5. Life span: Short, maximum is 5 years; males live longer than females.
6. Dolphin fish reach maturity at 4 to 5 months.
WAHOO: None being caught that I have heard of lately
TUNA: Some Tuna around, our boats have been boating a few of them with live bait, chunking with squid and kingbusters. There hasn’t been any Porpoise running with the fish so we had to look for them with electronics we have on our own Bob Marlin and this paid off big time. We had managed to just spot a few birds circling and we went in that direction and was able to pick up a school via electronics and we followed them for awhile and started landing quite a few in the 25lb to 35lbs range about a mile of from the arch.
INSHORE: Really its all about Triggerfish as this has been the inshore story over the past week. Lots of Triggers being landed and there pretty good to eat if you fry them up. Just dip them in flour and fry in olive oil and they come out pretty tasty. Good numbers of Sierra being landed just about every day this past week. From the Pump House down to the Solmar it is pretty much wide open if your using hootchies and striped bait. Quite a few Skip Jacks close to shore also being caught. If you like Sierra its your time right now. Do you know that Sierra is great a soup or makes an excellent Ceviche. This is so typical of Baja California. Next issue I will post some recipes for both.
[center]From The Admirals Kitchen!![/center]
[center]Lobster Cheddar Biscuits[/center]
Ingredients Nutrition
Servings 12 Units US
[ul][li]2 cups [url "http://www.food.com/about/biscuit-mix-408"]Bisquick[/url][/li][li]2⁄3 cup [url "http://www.food.com/about/milk-360"]milk[/url][/li][li]1⁄2 cup shredded cheddar cheese[/li][li]6 tablespoons [url "http://www.food.com/about/butter-141"]butter[/url][/li][li]1⁄2 teaspoon [url "http://www.food.com/about/garlic-powder-501"]garlic powder[/url][/li][li]1⁄4 teaspoon Old Bay Seasoning[/li][/ul] Directions
[ol][li]Heat oven to 450.[/li][li]Combine Bisquick with 4 Tablespoons butter using a pastry cutter or a large fork.[/li][li]Add milk, and cheddar cheese.[/li][li]Stir together.[/li][li]Spoon onto an ungreased cookie sheet.[/li][li]Bake for 8-10 minutes.[/li][li]In a small sauce pan combine 2 Tablespoons butter, garlic powder and old bay seasoning.[/li][li]Heat until butter is melted.[/li][li]Spoon butter mixture over hot biscuits.[/li][/ol]
[center]Lobster Pizza![/center]
Ingredients Nutrition
Servings 1 Units US
[ul][li]1 (10 inch) [url "http://www.food.com/about/tortilla-657"]flour tortillas[/url] (per pizza)[/li][li]1 ounce Land O Lakes roasted garlic butter with oil[/li][li]2 tablespoons grated [url "http://www.food.com/about/parmesan-cheese-467"]fresh parmesan cheese[/url][/li][li]4 ounces drained [url "http://www.food.com/about/tomato-151"]roma tomatoes[/url], diced 3/8-inch (approx. 2-3 tomatoes)[/li][li]2 tablespoons [url "http://www.food.com/about/basil-317"]fresh basil[/url], cut in 1/8-inch julienne strips[/li][li]2 ounces [url "http://www.food.com/about/lobster-261"]lobster meat[/url], cut in 1/2-inch - 3/4-inch chunks[/li][li]1⁄2 cup shredded Italian cheese blend[/li][/ul] Directions
[ol][li]Heat oven to 450°F.[/li][li]Lightly brush entire topside of tortilla with garlic butter (edge to edge).[/li][li]Sprinkle two tablespoons Parmesan cheese over the garlic butter.[/li][li]After draining the diced tomatoes, sprinkle evenly over Parmesan cheese.[/li][li]To julienne the basil, wash it and shake off excess water. Pick off leaves and stack on top of one another. Using a chef's knife, cut into 1/8" strips. Do not chop. Sprinkle evenly over the diced tomatoes.[/li][li]Make sure lobster meat is cut into 1/2" - 3/4" chunks. Portion lobster meat, drain it unless it's fresh off the tail and then sprinkle it evenly over the tomatoes.[/li][li]Sprinkle the Italian six-cheese blend evenly over the diced tomatoes.[/li][li]Refrigerate until ready to cook.[/li][li]Brush a pizza pan lightly with vegetable oil and sprinkle lightly with ground black pepper and kosher salt. (This prep is essential!).[/li][li]When oven is ready, place pizza on pan and cook approximately four to five minutes.[/li][li]Remove from pan and cut into eight wedges.[/li][li]Squeeze fresh lemon over pizza for extra flavor and serve.[/li][li]Chef's Tip:.[/li][li]Be sure you DRAIN the tomatoes and the lobster meat before sprinkling them over the pizza shell. Otherwise your pizza will turn out soggy.[/li][li]I like to use a oblong pizza or cookie sheet so I can make a few at a time. I use Large 10" shells, or you can make personal pan pizzas with the small ones, just cut down the ingredients.[/li][/ol]
[center]Taking Fish Home from Cabo?[/center]
I wanted to give the best recommendations for fish processing. We highly urge you to use Griceldas as they pick up your fish at the boat when you return from your charter. Filetting is $1.50lb and Smoking is $5.00lb with the finished product in 1LB packages vacuum sealed. They keep the fish at the Smokehouse until you go home. If you plan on taking your fish home you can buy a hard plastic ice chest in Cabo but they are very expensive running about $60.00 for a 48 quart ice chest. What we recommend you doing is bringing an ice chest with you and putting some of your baggage in the the chest and you might be ale to save on extra baggage fees.
BEWARE: Please beware of the guys in the street selling boat charters. If you wait till the day you are fishing and go to the dock where your boat is many times people will mislead you to another boat or dock trying to put you on a boat that was not meant for you. You need to have a person guide you to your boat, who is from a reputable charter company. This way there is no confusion or misleading. Please remember when renting Sport fishing boats in Cabo that you rent your boat from reputable and established business. Walk into a fishing fleet office and ask questions about what you are getting and what are the costs? You don't want to rent boats from vendors in the streets and you do not want to book through shady websites offering you the world. Check through travel forums about reputable fishing fleets to deal with. Look for testimonials about the fleet your booking, your charter with. Ask about what will the boat be supplying? Will it include beverages or lunches? How much does it cost to fillet your catch? Check to see if charter boat is insured? Ask about getting your catch smoked? Check cost of a fishing license. These are just a few things to consider when booking your charter boat. We will be talking more about this in the next weeks fishing report. Until next time good fishing and we hope to see you in Cabo soon. Come by the office here in Cabo and get all the latest up to date fishing report. [url "http://www.jcsportfishing.com"]http://www.jcsportfishing.com[/url] [url "http://youtu.be/tSXN6pifQyQ"]http://youtu.be/tSXN6pifQyQ[/url]
As the Admiral Seas It
Fishing Report: 2/27/17 to 3/6/17
Stop By Our Office for up to Date Fishing Report.
[center]Spring Breakers Starting to Showup![/center]
[center]Marlin Fshing Slow Offshore![/center]
[center]Large School of Sierras at Golden Gate![/center]
[center]Few Tuna Offshore at San Jamie Banks[/center]
[center]Big Football Size Tuna a Mile of Arch 25lbs[/center]
[center]Our BoB Marlin Lands 3 35lb Tuna on Kite![/center]
[center]Yellowtail at Margarita and Ranch Migrino![/center]
[center]Roosters Slowing Down![/center]
[center]Triggerfish All Over the Place Inshore![/center]
[center]Taking Fish Home from Cabo Info Inside ?[/center]
[center]2 Lobster Recipes inside?[/center]
[center]JC vows: “I Will Take Back Marlin Association Presidency”![/center]
[center] [/center]
[center]Chris Shouted: JC, is The Supreme Leader of Marlin ![/center]
[center]Fish Report Boy says: JC, is a Puppet, Put in Power by the New World Marlin Order![/center]
[center]JamieB says: JC, is an Admiral in the Marlin World Army![/center]
[center]Darrel says: JC, Why That Lil Twirp Couldn’t Lead a Group of Bluebirds ![/center]
[center]The Brits say: JC, Yea They Call Him the Neville Chamberlin of the Marlin World Army, in Other Words the the Lil Coward Couldn’t Lead a Troop Girlscouts Selling Cookies. The Clown has Been Known to Eat All the Profits ![/center]
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HEADLINES: March 6, 2017:
JC stuns community”and says”I will retake what is rightfully mine and that is President and the supreme leader of the world Marlin Association”!! Supreme Leader JC? He went on to say: “ive seen fire, and ive seen rain, and ive also seen a few nice Bluegills, but the stars have aligned, and the Gods have chosen me, as their privileged child to take the throne again as President and commander in chief of the world Marlin association and its army!! Army JC? “He went on to say he was going to dispatch all his disciples to many strategic places on the globe to await further instructions and tips on Marlin Fishing”I asked him who he thought he was making a claim like this? And he said: “I hired you to write that dumb fishing report and thats all you need to know”The he said: “You are half a sandwich in this picnic, and if your not careful I will strip you of your pension”Pension? For writing the report!! Whatever JC!!
Jc Sportfishing Charters is a family owned and operated business and has been fishing in Cabo San Lucas for the past 18 years. Jerry, explains that his charter business is geared more for families and novice anglers, making sure everyone who charters a boat with him have a great time and lots of fun. We welcome families, and groups. We want everyone who fishes with us to take all the sites in and have a memorable experience. This is what is most important to us. We have and do a few tournaments each year and can cater to fisherman who might be interested in tournament fishing. Well lets get on with the fishing report for this past week.
WEATHER: We really cant ask for any better weather than we had for the last couple weeks. The sun just continues to shine about every day. We have had a couple overcast days but nothing major. Highs around the mid to ladder 80,s and lows in the mid to lower 60,s. Everyone knows why so many people do come to Cabo and it’s the near perfect weather year round. We do get some hotter months in July, August and September but during those months, all the fishing and water sports here, are really good.
WATER: Well, quite the contrast of water temperatures from the Pacific side to up inside the Sea of Cortez. I was looking at the Temp Break map and it shows lots of really cool water on Pacific, from entrance at Cabo harbor, south east towards Gordo Banks, its all really warm water. From 69 in some areas on Pacific to 72 on the other side of Gordo Banks. I think we know where e will be finding the fish over the next week.
This link which will show you water temperatures for the southern half of Baja. [url "http://www.tempbreak.com/index.php?&cwregion=cb"]http://www.tempbreak.com/index.php?&cwregion=cb[/url]
BILLFISH: Striped Marlin fishing has been pretty slow this past week and most fish being landed on ballyhoo along with pitching live bait, with a few on lures. Striped Marlin hasnt been good all week, on either the Pacific side or the Sea of Cortez. Pretty much over the last 2 weeks we haven’t had that much Marlin activity.
DORADO: Pretty slow for Dorado over the last week I haven’t heard of to much at all.
Some interesting facts on Dorado:
1. Turquoise, green, and yellow patterns; can be distinguished from the pompano dolphin by its 55 to 66 dorsal fin rays and a very wide, square tooth patch on the

2. The largest dolphin fish length reported is almost 7 feet (2.1 m); the maximum weight reported is 88 pounds (40 kg).
3. Growth is extremely rapid. Specific rates vary among regions and are sensitive to water temperatures.
4. Oceanic pelagic fish; generally restricted to waters warmer than 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20º C)
5. Life span: Short, maximum is 5 years; males live longer than females.
6. Dolphin fish reach maturity at 4 to 5 months.
WAHOO: None being caught that I have heard of lately
TUNA: Some Tuna around, our boats have been boating a few of them with live bait, chunking with squid and kingbusters. There hasn’t been any Porpoise running with the fish so we had to look for them with electronics we have on our own Bob Marlin and this paid off big time. We had managed to just spot a few birds circling and we went in that direction and was able to pick up a school via electronics and we followed them for awhile and started landing quite a few in the 25lb to 35lbs range about a mile of from the arch.
INSHORE: Really its all about Triggerfish as this has been the inshore story over the past week. Lots of Triggers being landed and there pretty good to eat if you fry them up. Just dip them in flour and fry in olive oil and they come out pretty tasty. Good numbers of Sierra being landed just about every day this past week. From the Pump House down to the Solmar it is pretty much wide open if your using hootchies and striped bait. Quite a few Skip Jacks close to shore also being caught. If you like Sierra its your time right now. Do you know that Sierra is great a soup or makes an excellent Ceviche. This is so typical of Baja California. Next issue I will post some recipes for both.
[center]From The Admirals Kitchen!![/center]
[center]Lobster Cheddar Biscuits[/center]
Ingredients Nutrition
Servings 12 Units US
[ul][li]2 cups [url "http://www.food.com/about/biscuit-mix-408"]Bisquick[/url][/li][li]2⁄3 cup [url "http://www.food.com/about/milk-360"]milk[/url][/li][li]1⁄2 cup shredded cheddar cheese[/li][li]6 tablespoons [url "http://www.food.com/about/butter-141"]butter[/url][/li][li]1⁄2 teaspoon [url "http://www.food.com/about/garlic-powder-501"]garlic powder[/url][/li][li]1⁄4 teaspoon Old Bay Seasoning[/li][/ul] Directions
[ol][li]Heat oven to 450.[/li][li]Combine Bisquick with 4 Tablespoons butter using a pastry cutter or a large fork.[/li][li]Add milk, and cheddar cheese.[/li][li]Stir together.[/li][li]Spoon onto an ungreased cookie sheet.[/li][li]Bake for 8-10 minutes.[/li][li]In a small sauce pan combine 2 Tablespoons butter, garlic powder and old bay seasoning.[/li][li]Heat until butter is melted.[/li][li]Spoon butter mixture over hot biscuits.[/li][/ol]
[center]Lobster Pizza![/center]
Ingredients Nutrition
Servings 1 Units US
[ul][li]1 (10 inch) [url "http://www.food.com/about/tortilla-657"]flour tortillas[/url] (per pizza)[/li][li]1 ounce Land O Lakes roasted garlic butter with oil[/li][li]2 tablespoons grated [url "http://www.food.com/about/parmesan-cheese-467"]fresh parmesan cheese[/url][/li][li]4 ounces drained [url "http://www.food.com/about/tomato-151"]roma tomatoes[/url], diced 3/8-inch (approx. 2-3 tomatoes)[/li][li]2 tablespoons [url "http://www.food.com/about/basil-317"]fresh basil[/url], cut in 1/8-inch julienne strips[/li][li]2 ounces [url "http://www.food.com/about/lobster-261"]lobster meat[/url], cut in 1/2-inch - 3/4-inch chunks[/li][li]1⁄2 cup shredded Italian cheese blend[/li][/ul] Directions
[ol][li]Heat oven to 450°F.[/li][li]Lightly brush entire topside of tortilla with garlic butter (edge to edge).[/li][li]Sprinkle two tablespoons Parmesan cheese over the garlic butter.[/li][li]After draining the diced tomatoes, sprinkle evenly over Parmesan cheese.[/li][li]To julienne the basil, wash it and shake off excess water. Pick off leaves and stack on top of one another. Using a chef's knife, cut into 1/8" strips. Do not chop. Sprinkle evenly over the diced tomatoes.[/li][li]Make sure lobster meat is cut into 1/2" - 3/4" chunks. Portion lobster meat, drain it unless it's fresh off the tail and then sprinkle it evenly over the tomatoes.[/li][li]Sprinkle the Italian six-cheese blend evenly over the diced tomatoes.[/li][li]Refrigerate until ready to cook.[/li][li]Brush a pizza pan lightly with vegetable oil and sprinkle lightly with ground black pepper and kosher salt. (This prep is essential!).[/li][li]When oven is ready, place pizza on pan and cook approximately four to five minutes.[/li][li]Remove from pan and cut into eight wedges.[/li][li]Squeeze fresh lemon over pizza for extra flavor and serve.[/li][li]Chef's Tip:.[/li][li]Be sure you DRAIN the tomatoes and the lobster meat before sprinkling them over the pizza shell. Otherwise your pizza will turn out soggy.[/li][li]I like to use a oblong pizza or cookie sheet so I can make a few at a time. I use Large 10" shells, or you can make personal pan pizzas with the small ones, just cut down the ingredients.[/li][/ol]
[center]Taking Fish Home from Cabo?[/center]
I wanted to give the best recommendations for fish processing. We highly urge you to use Griceldas as they pick up your fish at the boat when you return from your charter. Filetting is $1.50lb and Smoking is $5.00lb with the finished product in 1LB packages vacuum sealed. They keep the fish at the Smokehouse until you go home. If you plan on taking your fish home you can buy a hard plastic ice chest in Cabo but they are very expensive running about $60.00 for a 48 quart ice chest. What we recommend you doing is bringing an ice chest with you and putting some of your baggage in the the chest and you might be ale to save on extra baggage fees.
BEWARE: Please beware of the guys in the street selling boat charters. If you wait till the day you are fishing and go to the dock where your boat is many times people will mislead you to another boat or dock trying to put you on a boat that was not meant for you. You need to have a person guide you to your boat, who is from a reputable charter company. This way there is no confusion or misleading. Please remember when renting Sport fishing boats in Cabo that you rent your boat from reputable and established business. Walk into a fishing fleet office and ask questions about what you are getting and what are the costs? You don't want to rent boats from vendors in the streets and you do not want to book through shady websites offering you the world. Check through travel forums about reputable fishing fleets to deal with. Look for testimonials about the fleet your booking, your charter with. Ask about what will the boat be supplying? Will it include beverages or lunches? How much does it cost to fillet your catch? Check to see if charter boat is insured? Ask about getting your catch smoked? Check cost of a fishing license. These are just a few things to consider when booking your charter boat. We will be talking more about this in the next weeks fishing report. Until next time good fishing and we hope to see you in Cabo soon. Come by the office here in Cabo and get all the latest up to date fishing report. [url "http://www.jcsportfishing.com"]http://www.jcsportfishing.com[/url] [url "http://youtu.be/tSXN6pifQyQ"]http://youtu.be/tSXN6pifQyQ[/url]