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[#00ff00]Hard to believe, but BLK didn't wait to go to work and fill his row... [#0080ff]Not sure if I'm ready to start this thing, but here goes... Team South has the lead and BLK is sitting at the top of the leader board... [#bf0000]Way to go Lynn glad to see you in the spot you so regularly fill... [#ff8000]By the way everyone, Its On!!!!! Go catch some cats... Later J[/#ff8000][/#bf0000][/#0080ff][/#00ff00]
[#00ff00][#0080ff][#ff0000][inline catcon3-6-17.JPG]
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[#a040ff]Okay I screwed up already and missed that Ahi had fish on the board too.... Sorry for overlooking your entries.... so we have a two man race north against the south... Probably will see these two battling back and forth for a lot of the contest... nice job guys... PS... Somebody asked if we were still having the small catfish contest? And the answer is "YES" that is our traveling trophy from year to year a piece of BFT heritage as it were... Sorry I'm so far behind if I didn't get your posts answered I'm sorry I'll try and do better... Later J[/#a040ff]
[#a040ff][inline catcon3617.JPG][/#a040ff]
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Here is a list of all signed up so far.... J
[inline catcon31017b.JPG]
[inline catcon31017a.JPG]
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[#0000ff]Week two and BLK strengthens his lead and carries team south to double down on the north... In fact the south is really rolling in some decent fish already.... I think BLK has already tied the best I could do after a full season last year... [#bf0000]Ahi is trying to represent the north with a few Willard cats, that is pretty amazing he can get them to bite as well as he has so far... Most Willard reports smell of skunk so far... [#00bf00]Fun times ahead, I'll see if I can get out sometime in the next week... Hope to help Ahi out a little... Thanks for the hard work guys I'm impressed with your catches thus far... Later J[/#00bf00][/#bf0000][/#0000ff]
[#00bf00][inline catcon31317.JPG][/#00bf00]
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Okay guys I'm slow this week, but I have a little update to let ya know how things are going so far...
BLK still is in the lead, but Ahi tied his biggest fish... Team south has all ten of their team fish now and will be working on raising the average from here on... The north is way behind in number of fish caught.. Ahi is the only team member pulling their weight so far... Thanks Ahi...
If I missed anything please let me know... I still have a few names to add to the contest, but like I said I'm behind... so maybe later this week I'll catch up...
Thanks for your patience with me... Later J
[inline catcon32017.JPG]
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[#bf0000]Update for all that are interested, we have a few more fish hit the charts and the south controls the leader board as a team, but we did have a second team north member post a fish, so maybe the north will start defending it's title... Ahi has been carrying the load alone.... [#0080ff]One good tip, since the fish up north are tough to come by, follow bigwimm's example and take advantage of your one fish from the opposite area clause.... Go south... Good job everyone, it's still early, but some nice fish already this year... Later J[/#0080ff][/#bf0000]
[#0080ff][inline catcon32217.JPG]
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[#4040ff]Are you ready for a mid-weekend update??? [#00bf00]Ahi just struck for the north with another nice cat.... Taking him to 1/2 point behind BLK.... Nice job Ahi.... Nice fish coming in already this year, way to go guys... Later J[/#00bf00][/#4040ff]
[#00bf00][inline catcon32517.JPG]
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Okay guys sorry been slow getting things updated, been off playing.... [#0000ff]But here goes.... Team south continues to dominate the over all score by a long shot.... but team north is starting to move.... May be small, but at least they are catching some fish now... Or should I say those that remember their labels are catching small fish, the rest need to take a label for the team.... Weather still isn't cooperating the best so we expect things to improve as the weather does... Good luck all and go have some fun... Later J[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][inline catcon4417.JPG]
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[#0000ff]Lookey Lookey we have a leader change.... Ahi made a move on BLK.... Even if he did sneak up and steal one of my Cutler kitties out from underneath me...[#ff8000] That guy can find the big ones for sure... [#00bf00]We also got the snag king on the board from down south pushing the south's lead to a little over 100 points... 264 to 161.5 or something like that... [#ff0080]Never fear the north will rise again, or something like that.... Fun times guys, go get some cats while the fishing is good...[/#ff0080][/#00bf00][/#ff8000][/#0000ff]
[#ff0080][inline catcon4617.JPG]
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Sorry guys been too long since my last update, but not a lot of changes to the tally... So going into a good weekend when hopefully the fish will bite again, here are the current standings... [#0000bf]Fish on and get a couple for me... [#ff0000]Wife caught me trying to sneak out after a catfish last night and I got put to work on the garden... Beginning of the end of my free fishing time I'm afraid... [#ff0080]Hope they bite for ya'll and let's see team north fill all ten slots so we can see how far we are really behind... Looks like someone needs to bump my minis off the board so our average doesn't look so bad... [#00bf00]Later J[/#00bf00][/#ff0080][/#ff0000][/#0000bf]
[#00bf00][inline catcon41417.JPG][/#00bf00]
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Don't know why but can't get my main computer to work tonight, but just wanted to give everyone a heads up the north south battle is within 10" now... South still holds the lead, but team north is moving up and making it a contest... Have a great weekend and let's hope it warms back up so we can get out and catch some fish... Later J
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Here's the chart... J
[inline catcon41317.JPG]
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[#ff8000]Hey everyone check this update out, team north has pulled within a couple points of the south on the team scores... Thanks Dj for the catch up move, looks like we have a contest now..... Sorry for short update... J[/#ff8000]
[#ff8000][inline catcon41717.JPG][/#ff8000]
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[#008000]Hey all just a quick update.... Sorry very busy lately so not a lot of time to do updates... Note Team south has lengthened their lead, but it's still a good close contest... Let the sun shine and warm up so the cattin get's better... Later J[/#008000]
[#008000][inline catcon42617.JPG]
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[#ff0000]Lookey Lookey we got the first 30"er of the year and Sugar put team north in the lead.... Got to run so see results below... J[/#ff0000]
[#ff0000][inline Catcon5417.JPG]
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WTG Sugar
There's Always Time For One More Cast
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[#008000]What do you think, time for an update!!! [#0000ff]Well, north has been way ahead, but as I was getting ready to write the report BLK upped the anti and brought the contest back into a close battle... Really is shaping up to be a close fun contest...[#ff0000] Less than a half inch average difference between the two sides now... Ones to watch, sharksugar is one fish away from bumping into the top 3.... Maybe number one... BLK and Ahi will keep slugging it out for the top... [#bf00bf]But where is Bottomwatcher, Gmwahl and catmaster23 the former north champions? BLK is the only former champion that is still playing... [#0080ff]Takes a lot of time to play with the cats so I'm sure other things have taken priority over our epic battle... Well too much BS... Here is what you were looking for... Later J[/#0080ff][/#bf00bf][/#ff0000][/#0000ff][/#008000]
[#0080ff] ![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=125929]](;postatt_id=125929) [/#0080ff]
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Update, [#0000ff]Few fish came in over the weekend, including the second 30"er of the contest.... Team scores spread a little more, but still pretty close over all... [#bf00bf]I hope I got this in the correct spot this time, if not sorry again... Later J[/#bf00bf][/#0000ff]
[#bf00bf][inline catcon51517.JPG][/#bf00bf]
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Been playing a little today to show the history of the epic team battle of the cat slayers... this chart will show how the scores have changed so far this year in the contest... Probably boring to most, but us number guys like to see things graphically sometimes... Later J
[inline catcon5-15-17a.JPG]
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[#00bf00]Didn't I tell you to watch out for Sharksugar??? Well new number one today SS101... He brought in a fish just a whisker shy of 31" and the picky judge didn't give him credit... [#0000ff]But he still had enough points to grab the first spot in the contest... Also increased the North's lead... Here's the updated chart... Later J[/#0000ff][/#00bf00]
[#0000ff][inline catcon51617.JPG]