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Pine view live..
Drilling my way out now on the Narrows 4in is the thinnest spot so far.
What about off cemetary out near 50 ft of water? Does that usually freeze first?
Well I never thought it would happen I had a tiger muskie on I got him all the way to the whole I only have 3 pound test line on and he broke off right at the hall as I was trying to reach in and grab him I know it's hard to believe but I will try to post a video of my line spinning out.
Thanks for the live report. Are you catching anything yet? That ice is thicker than I would have guessed.
Way to go, it's not hard to believe that you caught one but getting a big fish like that through a hole is tough, especially on light tackle.
Yes, the perch are hot and heavy but now the sun's going down and the crappie are starting to move in and the perch bite died off...
Is the fishing good are you catching any crappie
No crappie as of yet but they are suspended on my fish finder cut over a half a dozen perch ranging from little teeny ones all the way to good size ones.
Did the ice stay 4" thick everywhere you fished in the Narrows? How deep were the perch you were catching? Thanks for the info.
I am fishing the narrows. Catching perch on 31 fow. Crappie all over the water column but tight lipped not even a bite. Going to give up in twenty minutes.
From your last report before you left, it did not sound like the crappie wanted to play but what was the largest perch you caught, any over 10"?
So here is the full report. Fished from 2-7pm at the narrows in 30-35 FOW. Punched about 15 holes and averaged about 4-5" in thickness. Perch wanted to play until dark. caught about 30. Size range was mostly 6-8". Did land one at 12" and 2 at 10". The crappie started to fill my sonar screen starting around 4:30 but not one bite at all.

A couple of first though. I hooked the Tiger musky and lost him at the hole. I did get him on video right at the hole I will post that as soon as I can in a separate post. I caught a couple of Gills. Then around 6 I looked at one of my holes and there was a cat fish nosing around in it. Weird.

As far as the ice. People were ice skating all over. The spots that looked like open water were clear solid ice. When I got there the sun was beating on the ice but it was not melting.

So the turn off across the street from the care takers house had not been plowed and I was the first vehicle to attempt to pull in there. The snow was up to my axles on my 2500. I did need 4 wheel drive to get out. Another cross over did get stuck and people had to push them out. My buddy drove a Jeep and I ended up pulling him out. So use caution if you plan on parking there.
Yes that's how it is or was last year. Won't plow the turn out. Does anyone know who we can call? Sure would help us out.
How was the climb out?
Thanks for the great report, sounds like you hard a great outing.
The climb out was rough as there was 10" of unpacked snow and I was the first person to drag a sled through it. The water level in the lake is way higher than previous years so the hike is a little shorter.
Crazy catfish! Fun to watch as you catch 69 perch! Mmmm, fish tacos!
Tacos look GREAT ! You make it very hard to be home today. I'm try on Thursday, do you think I can use my atv?
How well does it float? Was up to Henrys on 5" of ice when two machines went through at different times... Luckily it was in shallow water near shore so we got them out... I wouldn't try it until you have another inch or two of ice, but I'm lazy that way, don't like to pull such things out... Perhaps if your wheeler was one of the light weight ones you may be okay, but don't drive close to me, if I'm out there... The ones that went through were big ole Suzuki King Quads that probably weighed close to a thousand pounds with all the gear on them... four or five inches is a little thin to try it yet... Later J
I wouldn't take it out there. About 10 feet away the ice cracked and water was coming up. A couple of guys braver then I walked across it. I would not take a wheeled vehicle out there.

Thx tacos where great!!!
Minnesota DNR recommends 5-7 inches of new clear ice before you take a snowmobile or ATV on the ice. I prefer 6-7 inches before I take my sleds out on the ice.
I had to call in sick so I could go to Lake Powell!

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