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Yuba was kind to me
This amazing 42in pike was a dream come true for the first one I ever. The best part was my boy got to be there with me
Wow.... it would be worth a lot of hours to land that big of fish. Also glad to see that fishing is still possible at Yuba. Kind of given up on even trying since the lake became so low. Way to go!!
Great fighting fish.! Did he fight hard? I'm glad you kept that fish , that's one reason yuba got in trouble, people kept releasing fish. Those big boys eat everything. Three years ago I caught a 40 incher threw the ice in the narrows. Very hard to get his head up the hole.
I like those pike, but walleye more. Can't wait for yuba to return to multi species.
About 6 years ago two of us caught 4 species, 10 fish which totaled 24 lbs. Fun day trolling, and casting.
did you catch it on a fishing rod? Or shoot it with an arrow?

(pic #2 shows an arrow...)
there was some carp that got the shaft thow
It was on a rod with a white buz bait and a Yamamoto grub
It looks like you stayed at the state park. How is the water level. I was there last October and it was 20 feet down.
I don't care what others say,but I will say that's a really nice catch my friend! But now your son might not go swimming at Yuba here on out lol.
i was able to put the boat in with out any problem most places i went were 9 feet or better there was one other boat fishing and one water skier but i do think it will get much higher this year . As for the boy he loves watching river monsters and still want swim.
Great job" A lotta work for a fish but what a fish! They are good eatin too.

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