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Lincoln 3-7
Did very well at Lincoln this a.m. Caught 20+ cats but could not find the one I am looking for. Bite was pretty much non-stop from first light to 9:30. The cats were all from the same litter cuz they were all he same size -- 24 to 27 inches. Water was 60 degrees and warmed to 62 when I left. Caught cats on every bait I used... wb, carplettes, and sucker meat. All cats were released.

I was fishing in two feet of water with no weight or bobbers. Had another nasty go-round with a seagull that snarffed up a carplette that I forgot to perforate the air bladder on before casting.

Carp activity all along the shore from Lincoln into Goshen Bay.

If the cold weather will stay away the big cats should get serious about homesteading. Fun day with nice weather. A couple of tanglers and one tuber fishing near the springs.

Getting closer every day now.

Nice job Lynn, glad you had a good trip... I never have had an over 6 cat day myself this year... Your arms must be tired... Sounds like a lot of fun... I'll be watching for the bumps on your score board... Later J
Nice job Lynn! Things are getting ready to catch fire.
Nice work! I'm glad you got into them this time. I wish the crew had been there to help. That is quite a tub full. Did they just come out of a livewell or were youjust catching them that fast?
They came out of my livewell for a quick photo op and then were ejected back into the sea. I never keep more than 8 in my possession at one time so don't have more than a limit. I have a good livewell and the cats seem to handle the rest period with a minimum of stress. Is there a hardier fish than a catfish?... or maybe a carp?

Whenever I get one that is bleeding bad or has swallowed the hook he gets a free ride home with me.

Forgot to mention that the wb were starting to school up for their spawn. I drove around to the Mulberry Access and picked up two fresh ones in 10 or so casts.

Tomorrow is the day.

That is what I thought. They looked very healthy and well rested[Wink]

Thanks for the update on the WB. I drove by Mulberry on Saturday and there were 3 or 4 cars there. I don't think they were into WB though. It looked like they were after cats. Appeared they were all still fishing "as far out as they could thow it." Sometimes right at your feet is better.

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