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Springmillvol, Chick, LM, 06/02/2018, Long Time Friend
Had a friend over this past weekend and he showed up excited to get on the Chick. Started early out of Wolftever not knowing what to expect with the current running like it was. Stayed in the sloughs around HBSP until after daylight as I didn't want to get near the channel until I could see better emoSmile We picked up a couple of keepers on T rigged worms. Headed out to the ledge after daylight and picked up another on a Carolina rig. was tough for me to stay put in the current, but we really didn't hit on anything out there anyway. We skunked around some more in the usual spots out of the current picking up one now and then. All were keeper size but no big uns. Finally made a decision to hit a bank getting hammered by the current. Finally found a stack of fish like I've read about on here and put another 17 in the boat on worms before noon and calling it a day! It certainly wasn't easy fishing with the current and increasing boat traffic but was a move neither of us will soon forget. Of course, headed right back out to that spot Sunday am, and they were long gone emoScratch Was a good weekend and on of my more successful days I've had. Be careful out there. Hopefully some of this debris will filter out this week!!!

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