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I guess it depend on if you want to catch fish but IMO I'd say either Hyrum if you don't mind trolling for trout Or if you want to bait fish, then Hyrum for perch or Manuta for bluegill.
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I think porcupine would be the deepest they may not float back up, Willard has big cat fish, they might be eaten up faster. Hyrum has crawfish they to can eat very fast to. I wouldn't plant them in Manuta to shallow. You may be caught.
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Ok doitall that's just funny!!!!! Sick but Funny!!!
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Perhaps I need to rephrase the question. If you had to choose a place this weekend to take a boat full of kids out to have so much fun that they will want to go over and over again and will eventually take you out when you are too old to launch the boat by your self... would you go to...?
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Ya my wife says I'm sick too.
But my best trips are with those grandkids. In fact they will get my boat when I'm done and cold.
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my opinion, about your question. I think Willard is my first choise catching cats is real fun and easy.
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I would cast my vote for Mantua. It was always my go-to lake to take my young grand kids. We were always able to find lots of willing and hard-fighting bluegill.
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Willard or Hyrum if they are likely to spend time swimming as well as fishing. Mantua for bluegills if you can keep them in the boat. I don't know how common it is, but the swimmers itch parasite in Mantua makes me (irrationally?) nervous.
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This time of year, I would vote for Mantua also. Bluegill and Perch coming up thru the grass beds. Get out in the middle of the lake, shut down your motor, drop lines off with just about any kind of bait ; small pieces of worm on small brass hooks about 2 feet under a bobber, hang on to the pole. Those gills can hit a light rod and line hard enough to make you think a Wiper got loose in that lake.
As you drift, if you go somewhere you don't want to be, just fire up and motor back. Don't drop anchor [:/] will take you and all the kids on the boat to bring it back in with all the weeds it will collect.
Good luck, and good on ya for getting the kids out.[fishon]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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I would have to say Mantua. Small water for small kids. Plus I've always wanted to fish it in the summertime. And all kids (even the old ones like me) should catch bluegill. Reminds of the time we caught triples out of a submerged tree at Lake Powell, a long time ago.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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Love Mantua for all the reasons already covered but worry about the power squadron making things a bit choppy. That could be good or bad. Sometimes that chop can make a marabou or curly tail jig perform under a bobber very nicely. Also, will you have help at the ramp with kido's or is another adult going to be there to help with that part of the adventure?
The action will probably be best at Mantua, keep them busy.
The campground used to have a general store with a great candy selection too, but I haven't been there in years, it may be gone.
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[quote Troll]
The campground used to have a general store with a great candy selection too, but I haven't been there in years, it may be gone.[/quote]
They tore down that old general store a few years back and in it's place they built a new fancy place with a huge fireplace and overstuffed coach and chairs. They also put in a ice cream bar and the last time I was there they were talking about adding a grill, so they could sell burgers. They still have the store that sells snacks, candy and a few grocery items.