07-06-2018, 11:46 PM
Mate is back to work this week, I still have 3 days off. Weather forecast is for HOT...HOT... and more HOT, and not necessarily fishing......[unimpressed]
Got to Willard Bay south marina about 0720. Air temp was 69, light breeze, no bugs [sly]
[inline "(067) 6 July 2018 0724 a.m. launch.jpg"]
Got on the water about 0740. Light haze (smoke) from southern brush fires hanging in the valley.
[inline "(068) 0743 a.m. on the water.jpg"]
Last couple trips have been west then north, straight north, south - west, and several loops around the island with a variety of success from PEE YEEW Stinky Skunk, to OK, I'll take it 1 Wiper and 1 Walleye.
Today hooked a hard starboard out of the buoys, and zig-zag trolled all the way to Freeway Bay. Uh-oh, that skunk is clawing his way back into the boat...[mad]
Dropped anchor on one of my pre-marked Cat spots. Got lines out, sat back and poured a fresh cup of ice tea (the Georgia sweet tea kind [sly])
0910 Cat # 1 came knockin. Was a TD typical Cookie Cutter size, and was only barely lip hooked, so let it go.
It took that stinky black and white long tailed cat looking critter with it.[cool]
[inline "(069) 0915 a.m. Cat #1 CPR.jpg"]
Barely had that one back in the water and was re-baiting the hook when other line had just the slightest of twitch and slowly went tight. Knew that wasn't right, the way the breeze was swinging the boat, that line should have been going slack. Rod out of holder, lift tip up easy, slowly tighten down drag, BAM ! Cat #2 decided to be piggish and swallow the whole worm, hook, and 2 inches of line.
0922 Cat # 2 in the boat, 7 minutes after his smaller cousin.
[inline "(070) 0922 a.m. Cat #2 kept.jpg"]
Not huge, and not even contest material, but had gill hooked and was bleeding (on side away from camera) so she graciously accepted my invitation home for tacos.
[inline "(071) 0959 a.m. feed lot hidden by smoke.jpg"]
Well after the small ruckus of 2 Cats close together, got lines back out, and settled in with my tea.....looked up and HEY..........where did the feed lot tower go ?!
The south isn't playing fair on this Cat contest, they are
using biological tactics to obscure our pond up here [sly]
Oh, sorry, that's smoke from the fires down south. Hope they get a handle on them soon. Keeping all those fire fighters in our thoughts and prayin for some rain.
Well smoke started clearing off, but the wind that was pushin it was starting to push some white caps too. And the power squadron was hitting the water in mass.
[inline "(072) 1128 a.m. smoke blown away.jpg"]
Winds, power boats, and HOT weather, decided to call it a day. Took my one Kitty to the cleaning station, and called it a day. [fishin]
[inline "(073) 112 p.m. ready to clean.jpg"]
Cleaning station clean and working when I found it, left it the same way. Air temp on departure 100 deg.
Got to Willard Bay south marina about 0720. Air temp was 69, light breeze, no bugs [sly]
[inline "(067) 6 July 2018 0724 a.m. launch.jpg"]
Got on the water about 0740. Light haze (smoke) from southern brush fires hanging in the valley.
[inline "(068) 0743 a.m. on the water.jpg"]
Last couple trips have been west then north, straight north, south - west, and several loops around the island with a variety of success from PEE YEEW Stinky Skunk, to OK, I'll take it 1 Wiper and 1 Walleye.
Today hooked a hard starboard out of the buoys, and zig-zag trolled all the way to Freeway Bay. Uh-oh, that skunk is clawing his way back into the boat...[mad]
Dropped anchor on one of my pre-marked Cat spots. Got lines out, sat back and poured a fresh cup of ice tea (the Georgia sweet tea kind [sly])
0910 Cat # 1 came knockin. Was a TD typical Cookie Cutter size, and was only barely lip hooked, so let it go.
It took that stinky black and white long tailed cat looking critter with it.[cool]
[inline "(069) 0915 a.m. Cat #1 CPR.jpg"]
Barely had that one back in the water and was re-baiting the hook when other line had just the slightest of twitch and slowly went tight. Knew that wasn't right, the way the breeze was swinging the boat, that line should have been going slack. Rod out of holder, lift tip up easy, slowly tighten down drag, BAM ! Cat #2 decided to be piggish and swallow the whole worm, hook, and 2 inches of line.
0922 Cat # 2 in the boat, 7 minutes after his smaller cousin.
[inline "(070) 0922 a.m. Cat #2 kept.jpg"]
Not huge, and not even contest material, but had gill hooked and was bleeding (on side away from camera) so she graciously accepted my invitation home for tacos.
[inline "(071) 0959 a.m. feed lot hidden by smoke.jpg"]
Well after the small ruckus of 2 Cats close together, got lines back out, and settled in with my tea.....looked up and HEY..........where did the feed lot tower go ?!
The south isn't playing fair on this Cat contest, they are
using biological tactics to obscure our pond up here [sly]
Oh, sorry, that's smoke from the fires down south. Hope they get a handle on them soon. Keeping all those fire fighters in our thoughts and prayin for some rain.
Well smoke started clearing off, but the wind that was pushin it was starting to push some white caps too. And the power squadron was hitting the water in mass.
[inline "(072) 1128 a.m. smoke blown away.jpg"]
Winds, power boats, and HOT weather, decided to call it a day. Took my one Kitty to the cleaning station, and called it a day. [fishin]
[inline "(073) 112 p.m. ready to clean.jpg"]
Cleaning station clean and working when I found it, left it the same way. Air temp on departure 100 deg.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
Or so it says on my license plate holder