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Lincoln 7/20
I went fishing at Lincoln Beach yesterday afternoon. Got up early to go in the morning, then life happened and I didn't get a line in the water until 3:00. A few weeks back I had asked what the best time of day to go catfishing was and TD and others said, "Whenever you can." So I took it to heart and went. I thought with the cloud cover, a little breeze and highs "only" in the low 90s I might survive. And this time I finally remembered to take a small towel to wipe the sweat out of my eyes.

When I first got there it felt like one of those dead days when you don't even get a nibble. Well I got several nibbles and eventually landed a 7 1/2" white bass on my shrimp and worm; sure looked funny hanging from my 6/0 hook. Soon thereafter I got a hard bite and thought I was tight to a mudcat as they have plagued me there lately. But it turned out to be a small channel, about 21". Oho, I thought, maybe this middle-of-the-day fishing isn't so bad after all. A bit later I saw a big black form slicing through the water like a barely submerged torpedo. He was headed straight for my bait and I braced myself. But nothing. Then a cast later I had worked my bait back to the same spot when my bobber disappeared and I was fast to what was definitely a bigger fish. When I finally got him landed he measured out to 26.5 inches, tying my biggest cat which I caught last week in virtually the same exact spot. I've always loved sight-fishing but never thought I'd be doing it with cats.

When I got home my wife asked me why my shirt was all wet. I told her I fell in and she believed me for a while.

So now I woke up at 3:45am and can't go back to sleep. I guess I'm Jonesing for some catfishing to ease my addiction. I'll be heading out soon.

P.S. In the attached photo below you can see where he has lost a bunch of skin right behind the pectoral fin. He looks even worse on the other side with several big round sores where he had been battling with other males over spawning rights.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
[#0000FF]Nice least sizewise. Appearance-wise he might be a contestant in an ugly fish contest. Some of those "dark warriors" really do gather some battle wounds.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]As your experience increases and you have a chance to build your mental catfishing database you will come to better understand the ways of the kitties. Like most of us, at some point you will start to think you finally got it all figured out. That's when the real education begins and those wacko fish show you just how much you don't know...and you learn to appreciate the good trips and are able to rationalize the bad ones so you don't stay awake at night.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Sounds like you are already developing a bad case of cataholicism. You might consider joining cataholics anonymous. They have a great 12 cast program.
Way to go Craig! You are surpassing your earlier goals. TubeDude is right about the addition. No real cure. If you ain’t fishing for cats your thinking about it. Pat is the posterchild for Cataholics Anonymous. Lynn is the acting chair (boat seat) of operations.
[#0000FF]Then I guess we should vote you in as CEO...Cats Every Outing.
Thanks for the help with my addiction. Sorry if my posts ramble on with details that may only be meaningful to me. They have a 12-Step group for that. It's called Onandonanon. Can't find any local meetings, though. You'd think the members would talk more about it.

Now comes the Sad and crazy update. I went back to the same place again early this morning (early for me, not BLK early.) Right away I got into a smallish female. When I just about had the lip grips on her I slipped, went in up to my calves, tried to recover, slipped on the green snot and got baptized. Well, the bishop would say do it again, my head never got under but everything else did. (The phone is in the rice now.) Ice_ sled was giving me some crap a while back because I had gotten seduced away and went off seeking the trout Sirons. I suggested that maybe I should do a purification rite involving fasting and baptism in Utah Lake. Looks like I gotter done.

More yet. I kept on catchinon. I caught a smallish male that broke my line or pulled a knot out right when I was trying to land him. He was too little anyway. But then I changed my lighter leader to 50-pound like Ice_sled taught me.

Finally I hooked into a really tough-fighting male. I got him to the top a couple of times but couldn't see how big he was. But he felt bigger than any others I have caught. He was pulling so strong that I needed to loosen my drag; while I was messing with that he shook the hook out. Darn it! I know he would have topped my 25" and maybe have gone 27" or more.

Well, my edgycation continues. I appreciate the cats for giving me free tutelage.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
[#0000FF]Well, you seem to be on track for suffering through all of the prerequisite mishaps and catastrophes. There is a difference. A mishap is something that happens to someone else. It is a catastrophe when it happens to you. Heavy on the CAT.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]At least you did not have a baptism of our fellow cataholic IceSled.
Speaking of that, I said I wanted to emulate ice_sled, and then he goes and immolates himself.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

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