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One is the loneliest number ...
... next to a skunk. I have been to Provo Harbor and environs five time in the past few weeks. On four trips I have caught just one fish each, with one of those being a lowly white bass. So that makes three channel cats, one at a time. One was a 26.5 and the others were both 26.

Today I fished within the harbor itself as opposed to the channel. I got there earlier than the last two times as reports seemed to indicate the best action was early in the morning. I got there at 7:00 and wish I had been earlier. On a tip from a fellow fisherman I spoke with on one of my earlier trips I was planning to fish from the first launch ramp on the north side. But when I got there, four anglers were ranged across it like chess pieces, each with his white bucket. Drats. So I went to the middle ramp and set up on the far side. I baited up with a white bass head and the rear half of a chub that TubeDude gave me on my last foray. I had a couple of pop-and-drops on the white bass head, but I guessed they were from white bass. Then just before the sun came over the mountains my bobber disappeared and stayed down. It was the one with chub on it. Soon I was fast to a good cat. It took a while to land it but it didn't feel like anything bigger than what I have caught before. Sure enough, it was another 26"er. After some photos I gently laid him back in the water but he didn't seem to want to swim away. Maybe the fight and the time out of the water took the starch out of him. After moving him back and forth in the water for a while he swam off. I went about rebaiting; when I turned back around he was a few feet out stuck in some aquatic vegetation. By stepping into the water I was able to scoop him up again in my net. I thought that I might just have to take him home and eat him but decided I would give him one more chance. I left him submerged just under the water and went about my business. When I got back to him after several minutes and nudged him forward he slowly swam away.

So my quest for a 27"er (or bigger) goes on. Surely there's one out there with my name on it. I guess that I can go earlier and later as I should be able to fish under the lights well enough. I leave for elk camp in just two weeks so I gotta git 'er done soon.

The ambient temperature was 51 degrees at 7:00 and 70 when I left at 10:00. At one point I tried a shrimp with no luck. I got another pop on the front half of the chub, but had no real action from 8:00 on.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
I so wished I could join you in your search for 27" or bigger. Sounds like your getting the Provo Harbor narrowed down. One of these times you and that beard I saw in tube dudes pic are going to land a 30"er and no one is more deserving.
[#0000FF]I got there before first light Monday morning. And before I could even get set up there were guys hitting that first ramp. Must be something going on there. I suspect that the bright lights keep more of the baby white bass (groceries) in that area and that brings in the predators...and the anglers. Might be just because it is easier to see in better light. I dunno.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Glad the chub at least scored some action for you. Sorry it wasn't a bigger fish, but my handoff bait comes with no guarantees.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Talked to a guy the other day who was whining about never catching a bigger fish. I told him to be more positive. He said "Okay. I'm positive I ain't gonna catch nothin' bigger."[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Keep on keepin' on...Catchinon.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]By the way, we need to meet up down at Lincoln Beach so I can show you how to take your truck out to a good spot on the rock shelf. Easy cast to deeper water and lots of good fish close to shore. Also lots more solitude. It is where I like to launch my tube and BLK also does some good work from the rocks. See attached pic.
Hey Craig-- My scheduled fishing partner wimped out on me tomorrow... something about the wrong wind or maybe just wanting better company or some such. Ennyway, I still want to get in at least one more launch at Lincoln, so if you're not fussy about who you hook up with, and if you don't mind a little criminal activity (Lincoln is still "closed"), and if you don't mind sharing a boat and maybe a cell, and if you have enough money to make bail, and if you leave your bad luck at home, and if you can be at Lincoln at about 7:00-ish, I would welcome your company tomorrow. I'm sure you would be an improvement over my cancelled partner cuz he is notorious for telling terrible jokes, a braggard, with a course and hasty demeanor... still and all, I enjoy an occasional hook up with him. Birds of a feather....

If you can swing it, let me know here or by pm and we will make a serious effort to find that elusive 27+ incher. I've got plenty of bait so all you need is your rod and, of course, your best positive attitude.

Hope you can make it.

Dang. I qualify for all your requirements except that I committed to work tomorrow. I've always wanted to fish with you so I'm disappointed. Please ask again and have a good time tomorrow.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
If I come down with a fever that can only be treated by exposure to open water for several hours in the a.m. I'll let you know in the morning. Is that workable for you?
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Ahhh that was kind of a short notice so no big deal if you can't make it. If your fever persists and requires treatment just meet me at Lincoln around 7:00 in the morning. Otherwise, the invitation is good for next week as well... assuming a launch is possible.

Hope to see you tomorrow, if not, I'll post a report on conditions and few pics of some 30+ers.

I think I can make it--I sent you a pm.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
I may have fished near there last year when I didn't really know what I was doing yet. Others were catching "crappie" but I had no luck. I'd be glad to meet you there anytime and you can show me the fine points.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Got it. See you tomorrow.
Good luck you two... will be looking forward to some new entries... Later J
Well we didn't let you down--wait for the post!
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
I’m waittttting.
Nice I'll check it out... J

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