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Thanks Pat. Think I will look into that.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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Would be fun to see what Pat will do this year, I know he doesn't usually target any fish over 24" since they don't make good smoked kitties... also know he doesn't like contests much either, but I'd love to see him really make a run at the big boys and target them through a season, at least with one rod... I think he would give John a good run if he made it a point to try... Then again I think John fishing all night like he does at times might give John the edge after the waters get too warm... I know Pat likes to have fun while fishing and not suffer just to get a couple inches bigger fish.. All things being equal, that would be one great shoot out between two exellent fishermen... Do wish it was easier to get videos of our contest, sure would be a fun watch... Later J
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[#0000FF] want my A-game? You cain't handle my A-game. I have always tried to be fair to other BLK...letting them catch a few fish before I use a hook on my line...or add bait to it. I have also been knowed to cut off large fish so's not to embarass the captain of a boat I am riding in. And I can't begin to remember all the 30 inch plus fish I released without even taking a sticker picture.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]But if my abilities are being challenged, well then I guess I gotta get at least semi-serious. Fish one rod for bigger catfish? I'll go ya one better. I'll fish both rods for contest entries. So much for just posting a few just to keep in the contest. Stand back mortals.
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That sounds great, I think BLK was going to try some filming with a gopro this year, I hope he fishes around you so we can see the monsters come aboard that red rocket tube... Guess I better be careful what I fan up for competition down south, my team might stuff me in a mud hole.... But it makes the whole contest more fun if there is good competition from both sides... Those one sided land slides are only fun if you're on the winning team.... Better if it's a close tight competition...
I seen the ice on the back sloughs starting to melt out from the edges last night, so I think the north may be able to enter this contest before too much longer... I'm looking forward to trying to see if I can still hook and land one... Good luck and hope you can have some fun.. appreciate you being willing to join in the fun... Later Jeff
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I for one appreciate your contribution to our success. I know that you and others have not and/or do not post "inferior" cats to the contest because you know that you will catch better later. But having full slots and more points as we go along helps keep morale high and keeps the north team from thinking they are so much better than us. I did a quick look and it appears that we are just one fish away from the north's score so I'm excited to see what happens in the next little while. The ice contest is over tomorrow and then I can get serious, too. Hope I won't have to wait until October this year to post some really good ones.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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Craig for me the spring is always the best cattin, seems like the fish are fatter pre spawn and they haven't tore each other up, so I like this time of year... With what you learned last year, I think you'll be on your way to some good numbers soon... Good luck... J
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The lower Bear is all ice off, and running high. This weekend looks to be much better, weather wise. Wife and I plan to hit the river both days if possible. Had to postpone some work on my boat. Part I need had to be ordered, and won't be in till next week.
I expect to see lots of folks out at the BRBR, and hopefully get some contest place holder Cats.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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[#0000FF]How do you like my "smackeze" talk? Think it will stir up any more serious competition?[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]By the way, lest ye misunderstand why I don't enter fish smaller than about 25 inches is that it is too much hassle from a float tube. I carry my bump board on one side of my tube and when I want to measure a fish I have to unfold it, pin the end board in and then slip it over the mounting rod on the front of my tube. Then I have to rassle the fish to get it to settle down and lay still for a pic...if I remembered to pull out my sticker. As often as not, just as I am ready to squeeze off the camera button the fish starts flopping around and I gotta let go of the camera (on a lanyard around my neck) and subdue the reluctant celebrity...and do it all over again.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]It takes several minutes of my fishing time just to take a picture of a fish on the bump board. Much easier to just hold the smaller ones and go for whatever shot I can get. Some turn out okay. Others not so much. But I am properly grateful for any that come to play and I never take a good day for granted.
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I too will try my hand at filming some of my Kitty action. Not a GoPro but a good knockoff version. Wish I could afford a nice GoPro but I am still replacing fishing equipment. I’m technically challenged when it comes to cameras. Will see what happens.
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Hey Ben that will be great! I’d like to try it as well but only have a phone to try it with and suspect my results may not be up to par. But I won’t get any better if I don’t try will I? Thanks and I look forward to seeing some footage. Later Jeff