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Last year 247,355 Kokanee were planted in Jordanelle. The size planted was 2.86 inches. Other plantings in prior years were about the same size.
With all the other predatory fish that are in Jordanelle how many do you think survive to catchable size.
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All lakes have predatory fish
I got a cutthroat at strawberry that had 2 kokanee in its mouth
The stocking of fingerling-sized kokanee is a very cost-effective way to maintain this popular recreational fishery.
at Flaming Gorge and fish Lake it feeds the lake trout plus there is some left over for us to catch
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Some are definitely surviving. There are commonly schools of kokanee over in the deeper water by the dam. They are decent size.....13-15 inches on average.
I think we are a little spoiled with Flaming Gorge and Strawberry being such good Kokanee fisheries. Many of the lakes in the western US that have Kokanee average 11-14-inch fish, but they do have limits of 10+ fish per person per day.
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There are plenty of Kokanee in Jordanelle I get limits every time I fish it as recent as 7/1/19. Most;y smaller 11 to 16 inches but I have caught and seen up to 19 1/2 inchers. Not many people seem to be fishing it. Takes a little bit to figure it out, but then its easy. took less than two hours to catch 12 last trip.
time spent fishing isn't deducted from ones life
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I've been twice to Jordanelle targeting Kokanee without any luck. I've been trolling a squid behind a dodger. I'm not sure on the depth since I don't use a downrigger. I've tried near the damn and near the rock cliff. Any tips on where or how I can up my chances at catching some Kokanee?
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The key right now is to fish shallow everyone I have talked to that are not doing well are fishing too deep.
I will give you a clue I am running two lines off each of two downriggers, the deepest one is at 10 feet.
You don't need a downrigger or even leadcore right know. Silver flash dodger with small pink squid tipped with Gulp chartruese or pink maggots. Squid should be on a leader 1 1/2 to 2 times the lenght of the dodger/flasher. 1.5 to 1.6 MPH the kokes are in several differnet areas on the lake.
Most people forget you will not mark many fish that are that shalow so dont rely on finding them try trolling sahllow first. At the Gorge, strawberry and especially Jordanelle in the last couple weeks I have caught most of my fish shallower than 20 feet
Try this and You should catch fish.
Good Lick Tight lines
time spent fishing isn't deducted from ones life