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sleeping in state park parking lots
I feel there’s one more aspect to bring up that’s important info (and not bickering about what police are) and that is blm or national
Forest land. I know some (maybe most) of utah’s State parks are surrounded by private property but for those that aren’t, there’s almost always a chunk of national forest or a square of blm land close by that you can legally access. You can camp on either of those for free, and nobody can tell you any different. It’s public land! The same goes for any pull out on the highway, a rest area, or truck stop with semi parking. I’ve even slept in a wal mart parking lot before. Just have to think outside the box.

PS- if none of those options were available and a campsite was full, I think if anyone asked me why I was sleeping in the parking lot, I’d show them my two “day use” passes and tell them I got there really early.
I don’t know about sleeping in the parking lot,,but heck you can sleep just about anywhere else and ain’t know body going to say a thing.

You can’t walk down the sidewalk in many places now days with out having to step over one sleeping hobo after another.
i have slept many many times in parking lots ant lakes ,and have never once been asked to move or even had a knock on the window . you cant set up camp or otherwise draw attention to yourself .
as far as this state park pass the day ends at 12 midnight and starts again at 12:01 so no problem with the passes . the reason it says day use is so people don't expect to enter camping grounds with it . just my opinion ,others may differ.
Exactly! During the walleye run we start fishing at sunset and go till at least 3am at times. I use my "day use" pass cuz i'm not camping, that's the "day" time for that type of fishing. It would be bull to restrict the pass to daylight hours, I would promptly cease to buy it.
i agree whole heatedly[fishon]
Just my opinion advice and worth no more than what you paid for it.

If you are simply sacked out in the cab, sitting, waiting, with your pass in the windshield, they probably won't hassle you to much. Maybe check on you, but tell them you are "drowsy" and that is why you shouldn't drive.

Now if you get in the back "camper" of the truck you may have entered a different category of "day pass" usage.

Many parks allow you to enter but not get back out because of the tire spikes and gates, so if you go in at 2am and sleep till just before dark thirty, you really had no way to leave.

Best bet is give a try but stay under the radar.
Those tire spikes are to prevent people from entering illegally, they fold to allow you to exit.

For what it's worth, my opinion is that "Day Use" means not for camping. If you are sleeping there, you are camping.

If 6 a.m. isn't early enough for your fishing methods, you can either pay the camping rate, or petition to have the opening hours changed to 5 a.m. or earlier.
[quote dubob]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Pay attention, because I’m only going to say this once.


Thank you Bob.[Wink]
[size 4][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Always glad to help Kent. [cool][/#][/font][/size]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."

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