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So, I watched "Hooked on Utah" last night and was disgusted to see that the host was televising himself illegally using bait at Minersville Reservoir and showing his audience to do the same.
I have never been against these types of Utah-based outdoor/fishing shows and really liked Doug Miller's show, but showing people how to use bait at a fishery where bait is not allowed is simply not good. I hope that he is punished to the extent of the law and that KUTV takes some serious measures to punish him as well. Promoting illegal activity is not good for our state or our fisheries.
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[#0000ff]You are not alone in your dislike of (the host) and his portrayal of Utah fishing. I keep hoping to see something informative or stimulating on his shows but usually turn them off in disgust after only a few minutes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Among his many gaffes on the program has been referring to the chubs in Huntington North as "suckers", keeping a fin-snagged mack pup from Flaming Gorge as being a "good smoker" anyway, tossing released trout several feet out into the water instead of a gentle release, and adding pounds to small fish.
[#0000ff]Probably one of my biggest "eye-rollers" is his limited vocabulary...particularly his overuse of the word "awesome". How awesome is that? He asks that question multiple times on every show.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]He doubtless has friends and followers. Can't count me among either.
[#0000ff]I miss Doug Miller and Reese Stein. Adam Eakle does a pretty fair job though. At least he spends time with DWR folks and emphasizes the legalities.
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I agree with tubedude.
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If it wasn't for cutting into your retirement time, they ought to have you do the fishing segment... Would be worth watching... maybe that was another show??? Would be a show worth recording for a reference then... Later J
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Jeff, for what Pat knows, they couldn't afford him. [  ]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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It would sure be a fun show to watch if they could afford Pat... I do miss Doug Miller's shows... Didn't know him personally, but he sure had some great adventures to watch... I kind of miss them... Maybe we need to have LOAH do a couple of those adventure shows... That would really be cool... But then again I'd want to go on the trips with them... Later J
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Agreed. But if noone says any thing nothing will be done.
Minersville Reservoir, Beaver County
• Limit 1 trout over 22 inches.
• All trout 22 inches or smaller must be
immediately released.
• Artificial flies and lures only.
• Cement outlet channel between the dam
and spillway pond, approximately 55
feet long, is CLOSED.
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[#0000FF]Over (many) years I have appeared on several fishing programs in several states. And I have participated in a few of the DWR videos locally. I'd like to think I usually avoided too many stupid mistakes and actually delivered something useful.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I have never been egotistical (or masochistic) enough to want to do a show my ownself. There is a tremendous amount of planning, organization, scripting, editing and other work that goes into putting together even the shortest and simplest programs. And that is only if the fish cooperate to help you actually shoot some decent footage.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I do believe in passing along as much helpful drivel as I can...and will continue to do so as long as they let me out of the home once in a while and keep me on my meds.
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I just watched the show and it should be easy to ticket him and his fishing partner after he admits fishing with night crawlers on an artificial only water. I also watched Adam Eakle's show and there is a world of difference between the two hosts.
The host better be doing some apologizing on his next show for breaking the law at Minersville.
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Ya know, I talked to Doug Miller on the south dock of Willard Bay many years ago. I think it was the first summer I had my first 17' Lund. I didn't know who he was, and he didn't make any big deal about his show on TV. In fact, I don't think he even mentioned it. He was waiting for his fishin buddy to park the boat trailer and he complimented my new water buggy. Was over a year later before I found out who he was.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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I've seen a couple of the appearances you have been in and that's why I said you would be good at it... Kind of hard to be natural with a camera in your face though, so I think I'll take the one on one tutoring when I get to fish with you... But if they get ya back on the big screen I'll be sure to tune in... Later J
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[quote kentofnsl]
The host better be doing some apologizing on his next show for breaking the law at Minersville.[/quote]
I fear for those poor anglers that heed his advice, and end up with a ticket themselves because "they saw a fishing show where the host was tipping his rigs with nightcrawlers...".
He didn't just use bait, he encouraged other anglers to do so.
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Yup we lost Doug too soon, almost makes me want to go in and get screened so I don't get the colon cancer... One of these days I'll get it done... Later J
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[quote SkunkedAgain]I've seen a couple of the appearances you have been in and that's why I said you would be good at it... Kind of hard to be natural with a camera in your face though, so I think I'll take the one on one tutoring when I get to fish with you... But if they get ya back on the big screen I'll be sure to tune in... Later J[/quote]
[#0000FF]Thanks for the kindly comments. But I have a face made for radio.[/#0000FF]
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[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]You are not alone in your dislike of (the host) and his portrayal of Utah fishing. I keep hoping to see something informative or stimulating on his shows but usually turn them off in disgust after only a few minutes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Among his many gaffes on the program has been referring to the chubs in Huntington North as "suckers", keeping a fin-snagged mack pup from Flaming Gorge as being a "good smoker" anyway, tossing released trout several feet out into the water instead of a gentle release, and adding pounds to small fish.
[#0000ff]Probably one of my biggest "eye-rollers" is his limited vocabulary...particularly his overuse of the word "awesome". How awesome is that? He asks that question multiple times on every show.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]He doubtless has friends and followers. Can't count me among either.
[#0000ff]I miss Doug Miller and Reese Stein. Adam Eakle does a pretty fair job though. At least he spends time with DWR folks and emphasizes the legalities.
[/#0000ff] [/quote]
You hit the nail on the head, I couldn't agree more of what you said. If I watch the show I hit the 'MUTE' button so I don't have to hear 'AWESOME' every other word. Or hear him yell out 'fish on' like he's having a contest with who ever is on the boat with him.
Doug Miller was a nice guy. He was in the same Duck Club that I was in. Always very personable to talk with and I enjoyed his show and I also like Adam Eakle shows too.
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A face with out character just as well be a movie star... Later J
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Not sure if it will help of not, but I expressed my concerns by clicking on the "Content Concerns" link on
[inline KUTV.JPG]
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I did some work with Doug when I represented the Utah Airboat Association back in the day.
We would take him out on the days we helped the DWR rebuild the Canada goose nesting boxes in Farmington Bay.
Doug also asked me to gather up a few airboats for display at his Outdoors Show originally held in the old fairgrounds, if you participated in that old get-together?
You and Jeff are correct, him and now Adam always tried/try to give back more than taken.
It was actually remembering his death that I went and had a colonoscopy a few months ago.
What a ride.....
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Just wondering but have you called the UTIP line or a conservation officer about someone fishing illegally.
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I have received some correspondence back from him via the shows website. The response said that he has self reported the violation. I’m sure that the DWR is already aware.