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I hopefully got some good news tonight from the KSL team, they told me that the city of Mantua contacted them and said they were going to dismiss all charges for those that received parking tickets between Dec 24th and Jan 1. I hope that is true but I'm going to wait until I hear from Mantua before I feel better about this mess, fingers crossed.
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[quote PhatWeasel]We’ve been talking with Brigham City to fix the signs. I would assume they removed them and not Mantua. You said they removed signed on the south dike? Did they remove all those no parking signs or just the ones with the single arrows?
How did court go? We’re you able to have dialog with the judge or just make your plea?[/quote]
They removed the signs with the double arrows, all along the south dike, except between the signs where that intersection comes in, where the arrows point to each other.
Yes, the judge talked it each of us and it was because the second guy that was there for the parking ticket last night, said he pleaded guilty. After he signed the paper, the judge ask if he wanted to make a statement about it and he had pics of the confusing signs. The guy said the signs were confusing and the courthouse erupted with loud talk about the signs being unfair and agreeing with the guy pleading guilty. The judge listened to us and told the guy, he should plead not guilty and fight it, so the guy changed his plead. Right then, I figured the judge was listening to us, so I plead Not Guilty too. With the news I posted above, I really hope this is over, I guess we will have to wait and see.
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That is great news. I believe that last night when the group discussion happened, it became apparent to the judge that the signs were completely confusing and that may have had a lot to do with your news. The judge seemed very open to hearing our comments. He was open minded and fair to all the plaintiffs that appeared before him. I'm glad that I was there to add my voice.
It was amazing that there were 4 speeders between 77 to 84 mph and three of them didn't have registration or insurance. If I didn't have Ins. or registration, I would sure as heck obey the speed limit instead of drawing attention to myself doing over 15 mph over the speed limit.
Good fishing to all. Hue
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Hey Bob I agree this year that Hyrum is more fun, but it’s not always that way so I’ll keep my options open. Think I’ll try it (Hyrum) again Friday and see if I can find a few bigger ones. Sounds like the size is really starting to decrease. We got a lot over 10 at first and my last trip was 9’s plus so if 8’s are the big ones now it’s time to throw them all back till they grow up. I really don’t get enough off fish smaller than 9 to be worth filleting. Sure has been fun this year though. Good luck. Later Jeff
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Since I REALLY like perch to eat (#1 pick for edible fish for me), I'll keep any over 7". And I'm REALLY liking the new BUBBA Cordless fillet set I just bought with 4 different blades. Takes less than 1 minute to completely fillet one fish. [cool][/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]As to Hyrum perch, it's been a long time since I've seen the quantity and quality of perch coming out of there this year. I'm only keeping what my bride and I can eat in one sitting - 10. But many folks are going for the limit of 50. Hyrum may end up just like Rockport did after Doug Miller publicized it and started his perch party up there. It turned into a perch desert.[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]But perch tend to be a boom or bust species in Utah because of our weather patterns (drought vs non-drought years) and fishing pressure on our small lake resources. I'll continue to enjoy the Hyrum boom this year, such as it is, and hope for the best for next year.[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]I can be there on Friday about 9:15 AM if you'd like to hook up Jeff. Might be a little snowy based on the forecast last night. Call or text me.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
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Sounds good Bob, I haven't gotten everything lined up yet, but it looks good for Hyrum tomorrow... I'll try to be there about sun up so I can get set up before the fish get after it... But I am taking my FIL, so might be a little slower getting going... I'll give you a call tonight... Thanks Jeff
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Do you really think the Judge was being open minded? Most likely this fraudulent ticketing scheme being covered by KSL caused the sudden open mindedness. They know they're at increasing risk of the State Legislature following through on outlawing their corrupt scams.
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You never know for sure but just by his reaction to seeing the pics that the one guy shared with him, I really don't think he was aware of what was going on. IMO, it was more than likely the people that run the city of mantua that were the ones running this scam. Once so many of us decided to fight it, it could be that between us and the KSL team asking so many question, that they decide they needed to do something. There is more that I know that I haven't posted here but I was ask to keep quiet about it, when KSL Investigates does their segment on this investigation, more will be revealed.
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I agree with you Hue, it seemed pretty obvious that was the case when he actually listened to what we were saying, then made sure the guy that had just pleaded guilty, changed his plea, if he wanted to, which he did.
I'm not sure if there were more of the people after me that were there for the same parking ticket but that place was packed with people.
I'm sure you noticed that all of the people that received speeding tickets were young people, likely just not aware that Barney 3 was waiting for them at the bottom of that hill. It's a perfect speed trap, even if you are not pushing on the gas pedal, the momentum of going down the hill will take you beyond the speed limit. Anyone that travels that main highway on a regular bases is aware of it and uses their breaks to slow down but young people just are not aware of it, so they get more tickets.
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[quote Springbuck]Man, I wouldn't try it.
I feel like they would remove the signs, stop ticketing people for the parking violation, and then start ticketing you for the obstructing traffic thing.[/quote]
You could be right, I for one will not take the chance again, at least this year[  ].
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We followed up with Brigham City and they added and removed some signs. Plus drove up there to validate. There is a new sign with one directional arrow pointing back towards the boat dock by the parking lot they created on the south dike. Second they removed all the one arrow signs on the south dike by Reservoir Dr so now they have one sign with an arrow pointing east and one in the other end pointing west with double arrow signs in the middle. They used to have single arrow signs in between. Now have a true start and stop point.
They also stated that between that far west sign by the parking lot to the first no parking signs on the south side (Reservoir Dr) you can park. We requested to see the communication they are going to send to Mantua to stop ticketing between those signs (where I and others were originally parked). Plus have requested to talk to the Brigham city contacts again.
One more step to get this solved.
Btw. Is there a record fo the number of responses a thread gets? Haha
Sad thing is I haven’t been able to go fishing since my last post on Pineview. Need to make a plan for that. That’s Problem #1. Lol
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Wiperhunter2, did Mantua court get back to you yet about dismissing the tickets? KSL is going to report on our story tonight at 10pm. Should be interesting to watch. I wonder just how many people got tickets on that dike.
Good fishing to all. Hue
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Nothing from the Mantua court yet but I did get an Email from the KSL team. They have been checking the status of my ticket all week and found out today it has been officially dismissed. They said I should get an official notice from the Mantua court within a week.
Last night I saw an advertisement about the story they are doing about this ticket issue. The ad looked pretty good, hope the rest of it turned out as well. No idea how many people got ticket but the day I was there, at least 20 people got tickets, if you multiply that by 9 days, the time that they say they are dismissing all parking ticket, that would be 180 ticket. That of course is just a questamation.
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I just saw your lovely mug on KSL news at 5. It appears that the story will represent us really well. Complete story will be on KSL at 10 tonight.
Good fishing to all. Hue
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[quote kochanut]if this ever posts on the KSL website please post a link for those of us outside of the state[/quote]
Hey Zak, here is that link to that article:
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Saw the entire story at 10:15 pm and it turned out pretty good, then this morning I got the official letter in the mail, saying the ticket was dismissed. Thanks again for telling me about KSL Investigates, I think their work on this issue make all the difference.
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Hey Curtis, now you are a celebrity, when are you going to have a autograph signing?[  ]
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LOL, I don't see that happening but just so you know, I got my start back in 2009 when we started the Burbot Bash. Adam Eakle interviewed me then and had the episode posted on his show. Can't believe it was that long ago but I guess KSL saw me then and wanted some more[  ].
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Maybe we should put it on the agenda for the next Flotilla. BTW, that's only about three months away.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.