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is on. Took a trip over to Ogden Costco and there was a lot of folks in line awaiting for it to open. The parking lot was filling up fast. The only time you see the lot fill up fast like this is during Christmas. We were in there to only get a couple of items which pellet salt was on the list. As we got near the crowd we could see they were all heading to the same isle. One long line, I was attempting to cross the line into another isle but one person shoved his basket at mine stopping me thinking I was cutting in front of him. I told him I'm not getting into this line of madness that my shopping takes me into that isle. He wasn't having anything to do with me crossing. As he moved more I darted around the back of him and I could see the look on his face he wanted to further the confrontation. As I was going down the isle I wanted he didn't move in fear he will lose his place in line. I went to the end of the isle and the line that I just crossed was coming out at the end of isle I went into. It was a one way direction in & out. I needed to get pellet salt so we were told we could walk in & get what we needed hand carry it out, no baskets. All these people were stocking up on one item only TOILET PAPER, the limit was 2 large packages. Costco said its been like this for a couple of days with Thursday being the worse. I'm assuming all Costco's & Sam's Clubs also Walmarts were doing same. Must be one real sh**y outlook getting ready to happen. Its the Coronavirus Panic. If anyone needs to go to any these stores be prepared on lines.
Harrisville UT
2000 7.3L F250 Superduty '07 Columbia 2018 Fisherman XL Raymarine Element 9HV 4 Electric Walker Downriggers Uniden Solara VHF
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Just came back from Walmart in the Clintin area, no lines there. IMO, this is no different than the Sarrs outbreak but it's still early, I guess we will have to wait and see but IMO the media is what is driving this panic.
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I found out today why there is a shortage of toilet paper.
Every time somebody cough's a 100 people crap themselves.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
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Went Costco again on 3-12 and the line outside was a city block long again. Costco said the day before was a good day but the day I went wasn't. They were stocking up on cases of water this time, no paper products were in stock at all. The monthly flyer is why folks appeared this time around.
Went to Smith's to get some normal supplies this morning 3-13 and the shelves were empty. Smith's got hammered yesterday and again about 6am this morning. There is no sanitizing products such as hand wipes or bleach to be found in any store.
Prices have been reported of gouging magnitude thru Amazon.
Harrisville UT
2000 7.3L F250 Superduty '07 Columbia 2018 Fisherman XL Raymarine Element 9HV 4 Electric Walker Downriggers Uniden Solara VHF
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All this madness is bovine excrement of the highest odor and is being perpatrated by 2 groups; the dimwit political party and their drive-by media shills. NONE of this happened when the dimwits controled both houses of Congress and Obozo sat in the White House during the H1N1 (Swine Flu) pandemic in 2009 - 2010. Both groups today (dimwits & drive-bys) do anything to make President Trump look bad or appear to be the cause of your discomfort with world affairs. 
Will somebody please tell me how COVID-19 is going to cause the tap water in our homes to dry up tomorrow or become toxic? Anybody? And your stocking up on bottled water because why?
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
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03-14-2020, 02:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-14-2020, 02:57 PM by Bduck.)
I'm with you on this Dubob, by doing normal shopping for supplies its putting a lot of folks in the position of going without and searching to find the most critticle items needed. I went to get on Amazon to order something for my boat last night and found I could log in but no orders were being taken. Amazon is in overload for paper products, santizers orders. CRAZY!!!! There goes my prime, can't get use out of it.
Harrisville UT
2000 7.3L F250 Superduty '07 Columbia 2018 Fisherman XL Raymarine Element 9HV 4 Electric Walker Downriggers Uniden Solara VHF
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Forrest, I wasn't planning on getting in the Cat Contest. It would be fun, but I really only fish for cats a few times a year. It is two hours drive just to Willard, or the Bear, the closest cat fishing. Although cats are my favorite, I fish for everything. I know your contest is getting ready to start and you might not have your boat ready. So if you need me to come down and take you out I can. I plan on getting my new boat on American Falls Tuesday for trout. I can't wait to get after cats again.