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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]If you are planning on fishing the Wyoming side of Flaming Gorge (or anywhere in Wyoming for that matter) and are using your out of state ATV's or snowmobiles you are required to pay a "Non Resident User Fee" for the priviledge of bringing your vehicle into their state.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I found out about this because some guys from Utah got ticketed at Buckboard for not having these decals on their machines. Ouch! So if you are planning a trip heres the info you'll need to keep from getting ticketed![/size][/font]
[url ""][#333366][size 3][/size][/#333366][/url]
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It seems like everyone wants a piece of the action. Is it clearly posted so people will know or is it one of those traps? I also think that Utah needs to return the favor.I read that some places in Montana are closing to out of state anglers during the prime summer weekends. Has anyone else herd the same thing or know if I am wrong?
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I know that Utah has returned the favor already as well as Idaho. My brother-in-law from Wyoming has to buy stickers for each one of his sleds in Utah and Idaho as well as his home state of Wyoming. Utah was the one state that started the whole deal a few years back. Thats why Idaho and Wyoming do it just to get back at Utah.
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Hey crestliner, my boat  d at me today. Its been sitting in dark but warm storage for four months and today I got it out. Its  d at me in recognition and anticipation of things to come.
Now its time for some pampering at "Lee's day spa marine" before the season gets underway.
Melt baby melt!
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Does anyone know if that now applies to transporting an ATV through WY?
I am assuming that the fee is only if the ATV/sled is used in WY but I know the Wyoming HP can be a little anal at times. My father-in-law was ticketed a couple of years back because his small ATV trailer did not have a license plate on it. When he told the officer that a license plate wasn't required for small trailers in Utah, he basically said, 'Tough! This is Wyoming!' I guess it's just asking too much for a little more [size 1]consistency[/size] from state to state. But I guess when you look at our joke of a legislature this year it's no wonder no one wants to get along with Utah![unsure]
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Lets add up what money I've pumped into their state so far this ice fishing season. Hotel rooms, bait, gas, food, permit for fishing their side of the lake, tackle, ect. All comes close to $500.00. While that might not seem like a lot of money for some it's alot for me. Now they want $15.00 more of my hard earned ducketts. Well, guess I have to pay. But they better hope nobody ever invades their sagebrush ridden, Antelope infested state......cause me and my jets are staying put. Unless they get close to where P-Hop lives, and Gills can't fend them off with his snowmobile, then we go.
IFG in 08. My platform, leave us alone, go away and stop taking my money you bastards!
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[font "Arial"][red][size 2] Man o Man, anything to get the almighty dollar.[/size][/red][/font]
[font "Arial"][#ff0000][size 2] AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
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Any similar laws apply to boats that are hauled to Wyoming or Idaho?
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I always figured the FG use permit covered me for the WHOLE STINKIN LAKE, guess I was wrong. How can a state charge you for running on a lake that you PAY A FEDERAL USE PERMIT FOR? I will contact my laywer Sam "Small Print" Lyemen at the firm of Dewey, Screwem and Howe for advice.
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[  ]hey guys i live in wyoming and want to let you guys know a few things about wyoming. as for ATV's as a resident we have to buy a $15.00 user stamp just the same as you guys do if you are riding in wyoming plus i also have my 4 wheeler liscensed with a motor cycle plate like the one on a car or motorcycle. when i go into utah i have had the state park officials and dwr people check to see if my 4 wheeler is liscensed before i can use it on the lake. as for the gorge if you are fishing wyoming then you have to buy a stamp to fish that side of the lake just as i have to buy one to fish the utah side of the gorge or buy a nonresident yearly liscense like i do so i can fish your many great lakes with lots of different fish species that are'nt as close to fish in wyo. as they are for us to go to utah. I don't think that changing the laws for when out of state fishermen can go fishing would be a good idea as i see lot of people from utah, idaho, colorado and many other states fishing our near by lakes. i don't think that we need to be worrying what state everyone is from as long as everyone buys a fishing liscense, goes buy the laws and gets along. As for some people being mad about how much money they are spending on gas, food, motels and other things when they come to wyoming they should be sit and think about us coming down for some fishing adventures in utah. we spend $70.00 for a fishing liscense and another $15.00 for a second pole permit that is good on only certain lakes in the state, we have to pay entrance fees at nearly all the lakes we go to, and we also buy lots of gas, food, motels, and lets don't forget about all the money that we spend at sportsmen warehouse, hooked fishing tackle and many other sporting goods stores while we are down there as we don't have many good places to buy fishing tackle where we are at. when you come to wyoming just think all the lakes and rivers that you are fishing you don't have to buy a second pole permit and alot of the lakes and rivers don't have pay booths like utah does. i don't mind paying to fish in utah as the facilities are all set up nice and clean. these are just some of the things that i see and are my opinion and i'm not wanting to make any ememies but more friends and have a good time fishing weather i'm fishing in utah or wyoming. i have talked and fished with many nice people in utah and i'm looking forward to going fishing down there soon. good luck fishing trfishin
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I agree with a lot of what you are saying trfishin, but I still have problems and my own opinion on some of it. It states when I register my non-resident snowmobile in Wyoming that part of the money goes to grooming trails. The same is true for the funds in Utah. The problem I have, is I haven't seen one groomed trail on the Gorge Ice, on either the Utah or Wyoming side. So, what am I getting for my $15.00? It seems to me that for the few weeks I drive my snowmobile or ATV on the ice, I am paying for trail grooming elsewhere. I have hunted deer in Wyoming for the last couple of years and have registered my ATV up there. But, I don't find out if I draw a Wyoming tag until July. I don't want to buy a tag early in the year if I don't know if I'll even be hunting out of state. I'd like to see a tag good for one year from when you buy it. This way my money would at least go towards deer hunting and ice fishing. I only ride my ATV in Wyoming ice fishing on the Gorge, & during the deer hunt, if I draw. I just hate spending more money for a couple of weeks so I don't get a ticket. I can run my boat on any part of the lake, without getting a ticket, if it is legally registerd in either state. Whats the difference? I hope I just didn't give the Gov. an idea of making even more money $$$$$$$. We have to pay a use fee to even stop at the Gorge, pay to fish the side of the lake that is not in our own state, register our machines to drive them in the other state. Are we going to have to start paying a fee when we cross a state line in our automobiles? Where does it stop? I've rambled enough I guess. I guess I could just quit whining and stay in my own state. I should just go fishing.
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[  ]hey biteme i think it is a little crazy that on the gorge that if you are from wyo. and fish the utah side and utah fishermen fishing the wyo. side have to buy a stamp or buy an out of state fishing liscense just to fish on the gorge as now both states have the same boating and fishing regulations, there are no more differences in the regulations as there was in the past. and as for the daily and yearly parking fee i think it isn't to bad as it could be more like going to willard and jordenelle reserviors at $9.00 dollars a day and this year the side roads haven't been plowed like they have been in the past but they have put in a lot of toilets and courtesy docks and even lengthened alot of the boat ramps so we can get in when the water is low. as for just staying in one state i would'nt as you would be missing out on alot of great fishing and different fun things to do. keep the line tight and the fish on. trfishin
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Man, I agree, i thought our state was money hungry!!!
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[unimpressed]I suppose my spouting off about this now is like (you know whatin' into the wind).. I live in Utah and I know Utah started this but I think the entire ordeal is for the birds.. I figure it wont be long before everyone will need a user's sticker for their car's/pickup's for each and every state we travel to, throught,, or from.. Whats more,, we'll see the day soon when even an Ice shanty will need a tagged........ I dont mind spending a hard earned dollar when I see it used in a proper manner such as education but to often its not.. But,, those are the rules of the road,, such as they are..