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Bush Administration Clearing Path for Clearcuts
Bush Administration Clearing Path for Clearcuts

The Bush Administration is in the process of eliminating an important component of the 1994 Northwest Forest Plan, further imperiling more than 460 protected species, the Northwest ecosystems that shelter them, and the region's water and air quality. The Administration released a report early this year recommending the end of the "Survey and Manage" program, an important check on logging in fragile ancient forests.[1]

The Survey and Manage standard in the Northwest Forest Plan requires the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management to "look before logging" -- to survey public lands for 460 plants, fungi and fauna native to northwest forests. The need to protect these species, which serve as indicators of forest health, has often reduced or canceled logging of old growth forests.

Survey and Manage is an important tool for groups opposed to industrial logging of America's remaining ancient forests. Northwest conservationists have filed more than 100 appeals when government agencies failed to survey proposed logging sites, and have undertaken citizen surveys when the Forest Service failed to study an area thoroughly. The results have been used in court to modify or halt some timber sales.[2]

"This is just another hand-out by the Bush Administration to big business at the expense of the public and our environment," says Sandi Scheinberg, executive director of Bark, a Portland, Oregon-based organization dedicated to protecting the Mt. Hood National Forest. "They are clearly more interested in subsidizing the timber industry than preserving our forests."[3]

lets flush bush down the toilet in november!

People are bickering about Bush being an evil being because of this economy. The recession started while Clinton was still in office. 9/11 and the war on terror have driven up the deficit. If Gore would have been given the job we might all be run by Muslims right now. Or, at least fighting them off over here. Bush had the gonads to take a step in their direction, and not continue to cower away from them. They came on our soil this time. He did the right thing. Gore & gun control would have been a very bad problem. How many of you hunt?

If a democrat gets in here(God help us), the first thing that is going to happen is a big tax increase. Can you afford that? I can't. Do you think all of these high prices these days are Bush's fault? Think again. The prices will stay high, and keep raising no matter who gets in there. And, a big tax increase to balance a budget that is just a joke anyways. Everyone says that Clinton had a surplus. Can you really say that your wallet felt better because of it? Those were financially the worse years of my life.

Vote the way you need to for your conscience. But, if Bush gets the axe, don't say someone didn't "tell you so", when you can no longer support your family because of "a balanced budget"...hahaha. No matter how balanced it looks, there is always foreign spending, worthless domestic spending, etc. to keep those taxes up high. And, the Democrats keep that surplus for the government to spend worthlessly. So, I will vote for Bush again. At least he is trying to give me some of my money back.
thank you rush limboob

Well, I appreciate the cut. Thanks a bunch. What are you, about 10 years old?
I am going to vote for Bush again. I think hes doing a fine job and hasn't gotten caught for anything in the oral(oval) office.
Bush is history. He flips flops on issues and is clearly willing to do whatever he feels to remain in office.

I like him because of his military politics and security concerns but by him allowing even more immigrants to move in and out of this country without being checked he hurts us, not helps.

Kerry will win. I really do not like him but I am pretty sure he will win. Not even Bush daddy can save him now[Wink]
you guys can vote for me , we'll wipe out peta first , fishing and hunting will be our rights and not a privlige , nafta will be canned , we'll forclose on all the countrys that owe us money , chain gangs for the criminals , gallows for the child molesters and kidnappers without any appeals at all , no welfare for able bodyed citicens - there going to bootcamp instead . polluters on all levels , well you'll be cleaning up trash the rest of your natural lives .

and i'll even bring back the muscle cars [Tongue] .
Vote for me. I have acting experience. I was an extra in like 4 movies, I was on Kids Incorporated and a JcPenny pants commercial.

It worked for Arnie and Regan.[crazy] I won't terminate anyone, I promise![sly]
but will you puke all over the Japanese delegates?
Hey lonehunter, If I was to vote for you, would you promise to have bassfishing in the Olympics??? Otherwise I'll have to vote for TubeDude.
Me , run against the great Tubedude ? No way Jose'! He's a big man in or out of the water . Did he ever tell you about the time a ship was circiling him looking for a harbor to dock in ?

I like his platform , tax anyone who introduces new taxes , manditory lie detectors attached to all pollititions , honesty detectors on all lawyers and medical billing personell and journalists . hospitals and colleges would have to reduce there" fees for service " to reflect the current minimum wage standard .

Running against Tubedude would be like Robin running against Batman , Gilligan against The Skipper , Laurel against Hardey !

Now as far as the olimpics go , bassfussing is definatly not a skill worthey of an olimpic metal , however , baitcasting , flyrodding , spincasting , and cane pole casting are definatley going to be added to the long list of events . Winter olimpics would start off with the 5 gallon bucket bottom judging and proceed to the jig wiggiling events .

Summer olimpics would include the beach bunny spotting (ME ONLY JUDGE ), the Worm digging contest , shark fishing with lawyers event , and my all time favorite "boot the snagger into a dumpster "contest .

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