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Fish Lake 2/20
Myself and four buddy’s hit up fish lake Saturday hoping to get into some god fishing. One buddy brought his wheeler with tracks in it and we decided to head to the far side of the lake straight out from the lodge. He took two of the guys with him while myself and the last buddy started walking. It took too long for him to get back to us and when he finally did, all three were there. I guess they got to the far side and hit about foot and a half of snow with almost two feet of slush below it and the wheeler just dug in. It took them probably 15 minutes to dig it out and get the sleds out of there. We ended up fishing in the middle of the lake in 100 FOW for the fish part of the day. 
My main goal of the trip was the catch a lake trout. I haven’t caught one out of there for years and wanted to again. I got my holes drilled and passed the auger off to the next person. Grabbed a pole I had rigged up with a glow spoon, that we have done well on Lakers and burbot and the gorge that we lovingly call the buttars bomber, and dropped it to the bottom. No bait, no finder. Just wanted to get it down before the sun was up. I jigged it for a couple minutes and the speed reeled it up 20-30 feet and jigged it more times and paused it. When I went for the third jig, a fish was there. Brought up a two and a half to three pound laker. Goal complete. Let home go and tried again with no luck so I set up the finder and another pole. Shorty after that tried the spoon again and right after the speed crank, the spoon got slammed! Caught my biggest laker to date, 5-6 pounds I was guessing. Released her to fight another day. 
After all of that and one guy catching two bows I thought it was going to be a good day. Wrong. It died when the sun came up. I caught two bows and a splake and no one else caught anything. We headed closer to the lodge and fishing in 55FOW. I caught one splake there and one buddy caught a bow. Moved to 15 FOW. There I caught 1 bow and a handful of perch and my buddy caught one bow. Two people in the group got skunked. The wind blew us off around 3. It was fun being out but wish the fishing I had been a little better. Ice was probably 18 inches thick.
Congrats on getting a few. Too bad there wasn't more action.
Cool Pics - Thanks for sharing - great job on the Lakers. I want to get some Lakers, Kokes and tagged Perch next month when I'm down there. Caught these perch by the Lodge when I was down there over Pres Day weekend

[Image: Fish-Lake-Perch-Feb-2021.jpg]

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