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Cat Chat 2021
Since I have been convalescing about all I can do is stand on the sidelines and play head cheerleader. So here goes. By my count there are at least 11 South Team members who have made major contributions in the past that haven't even posted one cat yet. And we have a bunch of others that could just as easily bust some big ones. So, North Team, enjoy your big lead while you can. Can you hear the big boots clumping up behind you? Be afraid, very afraid.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
I hear ya Craig. It has been an odd year so far with all the wind and cold temps. It's gotta warm up soon so we can start working on the lead the North Team has amassed. Not to worry, when our time comes we will start filling up the slots for the South. I have been out a couple of times and caught a couple of 26-7 inchers I could have posted but did not because I released them expecting a 30 incher on the next cast.

Part of the problem is that too many of us southern catters have been or will be relegated to "injured reserve" status. Great to have Jim back at full strength but with you convalescing, Mooseman's surgeries, and Lance scheduled for neck surgery it is hard to field (lake?) a full team. I'm scheduled for some surgery next Monday that will take me out of action just as the catching is starting to heat up. When we are at full strength we, the South, will hit 'em hard with a series of 30+ers and the South will rise again to it's rightful place.

It ain't over yet and the best really is yet to come.
BLK I hope your surgery goes well for you and it's quick and short on the healing time for your sake. No fun hearing all the afflictions that are going on in the forum.
I know I'm not catching (pun) no breaks this year. My dad has gotten sick again. This time pneumonia that almost took him. He's still in hospital and will be for a couple more days but plan is for him to come live with me more permanent for the next while. So I hope he will be a good patient while I fish or I may not be fishing much which is OK. I would rather that than him go to a care center, that's not an option right now.
Hey team North right now is a good time to hit the river. All the side channels are open and running full, with the exception of Reeders overflow.
I was able to find 9 hungry guys. Fished from Bird Refuge Tour loop up to the O line. no monsters but 29 and 28 inchers would help some of you I'm sure. 
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There's Always Time For One More Cast
Thanks for posting John.  As you know I was out there Thursday afternoon and picked up 7 cats between 22"-27".  They were really biting well.  All returned to keep on growing.

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(05-22-2021, 11:33 AM)Ahi1953 Wrote: Hey team North right now is a good time to hit the river. All the side channels are open and running full, with the exception of Reeders overflow.
I was able to find 9 hungry guys. Fished from Bird Refuge Tour loop up to the O line. no monsters but 29 and 28 inchers would help some of you I'm sure. 
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Some great cats John. When cookie sees them i bet she will start filling the cooler
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew
John, looks like you, Paul, and Sharksugar hooked up all the willing Cats and gave them all sore mouths.  Tongue  I spent 4 hours out there yesterday and only one close call.  I had one really hard hit and run that stripped off line so fast and bent the rod over that I was sure I hooked up a real game changer.   Big Grin 

Nope.  Was a big one alright, but a huge momma Carp that must have tail swated my bait near her spawn bed. She ran about 30 yards up the north channel past the "no fishin" sign.  I worked her for about 10 minutes without even seeing her. Got her to the edge and finally saw what I had. She had my 5/0 Circle hook in her tail about 2 inches up from her tail fins. She seemed to be hooked pretty solid, but about the time I got my landing net down to her, she gave another big flip and tore the hook out. Bye-bye.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Hey I can't upload pictures. Is it just me or is the site acting up?
There's Always Time For One More Cast
Guys if you have my cell number just text me a full size photo (make an entry on your post too, so i can put score there) and I'll try scoring the cats that way until they get the site fixed... I'm trying to PM my number to those of you that I don't think have my number, but so far it won't let me put text in my PM's.... Can I say I'm slightly frustrated with the site lately... Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
I know several in the Catfish Contest have posted contest fish over the last several days.  I believe I have all of them at least marked as "PENDING".

This time of year SkunkedAgain (Jeff) can be quite busy with both his primary job and his family farming needs in Cache Valley.  

He is aware of the contest fish that require scoring and I am sure he will get that caught up soon.  
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
I have been out of town and not been by the  Bear river for over a week.  Last time out I caught a couple of cats, although nothing great.  I took my daughter out last night to give it a try.  I rarely fish it at night, but decided on giving it a try.  Lots of carp moving around, one cat on briefly, and one carp landed by my daughter.  That was it.  Water wasn't even moving in the main river where we fished.  It was not good at all.  Won't be trying that again soon.  A lot of mosquitoes, but they were basically the only thing biting.
Hey everyone sorry for the delayed score updates. Between farming and my father in laws poor health and eventual passing it’s been a busy time and I couldn’t keep up with everything. But I’ll try to do better. For those of you who knew Rich, it was a rapid down turn from fishing with me a month ago to passing on Monday, will sure miss his company on the water, he was a lot of fun. Condolences to Biggriggs who lost is Dad. Sorry Greg and Landon we’ll sure miss him. Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
New contest scores posted on Standings thread.  
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
(06-11-2021, 03:46 PM)Tin-Can Wrote: New contest scores posted on Standings thread.  

Sure wish that I could see them. Sad
(06-11-2021, 02:08 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: Hey everyone sorry for the delayed score updates. Between farming and my father in laws poor health and eventual passing it’s been a busy time and I couldn’t keep up with everything. But I’ll try to do better. For those of you who knew Rich, it was a rapid down turn from fishing with me a month ago to passing on Monday, will sure miss his company on the water, he was a lot of fun. Condolences to Biggriggs who lost is Dad.  Sorry Greg and Landon we’ll sure miss him. Later Jeff
Sorry to hear about your Father in law. Even though when someone passes they are in a better place, it is still hard on those that knew him best, especially family and friends.  Condolences to all.  Thanks for all you do Jeff.
Thanks Paul, I’ll pass on the condolences. Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Wow sounds like many have lost their fathers in passing. I send my condolences to each of you. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
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Couple of nice ones the last couple of days.  I'm trying to find a bumper, getting some decent ones, but nothing quite there yet.  Looks like the south is starting to make their move again.  2 at 27" and the last one 28".
(06-11-2021, 06:23 PM)Jig-fisher Wrote:
(06-11-2021, 02:08 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: Hey everyone sorry for the delayed score updates. Between farming and my father in laws poor health and eventual passing it’s been a busy time and I couldn’t keep up with everything. But I’ll try to do better. For those of you who knew Rich, it was a rapid down turn from fishing with me a month ago to passing on Monday, will sure miss his company on the water, he was a lot of fun. Condolences to Biggriggs who lost is Dad.  Sorry Greg and Landon we’ll sure miss him. Later Jeff
Sorry to hear about your Father in law. Even though when someone passes they are in a better place, it is still hard on those that knew him best, especially family and friends.  Condolences to all.  Thanks for all you do Jeff.

Thanks, Jeff it's still pretty hard to think he is gone.

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