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Flotilla 2022
I’ll definitely follow this. I am with others and like the later dates. Last couple weeks of May or first week in June are great. End of April / early May is the time to be chasing turkeys!
Guys you get to the end of May and there's no way to get room for a larger group, memorial day time frame and Willard will be packed.. Sure you and your family might find a spot but it's tough to get a larger group in there once things pick up for the summer season.. At least that's been our experience in the past... I think Pat is thinking of fishing mid-week when the crowds aren't as bad, but for the weekends we don't want to be in full combat angling.. Hard enough to get our boats launched and retrieved before the big crowds show up... Just my perspective from events past...Later J PS... the fish will still bite in the end of April, just not as many...
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
(02-16-2022, 03:04 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: Guys you get to the end of May and there's no way to get room for a larger group, memorial day time frame and Willard will be packed.. Sure you and your family might find a spot but it's tough to get a larger group in there once things pick up for the summer season.. At least that's been our experience in the past...  I think Pat is thinking of fishing mid-week when the crowds aren't as bad, but for the weekends we don't want to be in full combat angling..  Hard enough to get our boats launched and retrieved before the big crowds show up... Just my perspective from events past...Later J  PS... the fish will still bite in the end of April, just not as many...

Seems to me then May 21 is a good option, its before Memorial Day there might be a little more traffic than the end of April but we will be launching earlier than most folks and Willard is a big place with plenty of room to fish and it will still be a little chilly for the power squadron to be out in force. If we reserve a shelter then we will have no issues with having a place to meet. The closer we are to the peak will help folks that struggle at Willard to be successful.
Since it sounds like Willard will be the location, one thing we need to remember was that our last get together there, we lost our spot at the pavilion to another group because the parks folks over booked it and even though we booked first we were nice enough to bow out and let the other group take our spot. This is something we should not let happen this time and to do this it might be a good idea to remind them about their mistake when ever the spot is booked. I can take it one step farther by talking to the Park manager to insure it does not happen again.
Shawn if you want to push it to the 21st you'll probably need to run it without my help... Farming kicks in to where I won't be available to help pull things together as the month of May progresses... the week before on the 14th is iffy, but I could probably still help depending on how this year plays out... But i know it needs to work for the group not me, so I'm fine with whatever the group would like to do... Guess we need to check on availability too, we might be too late to get a spot already. What was the north pavilion? Was that one Eagles cove? I think the south was Pelican bay... We liked the north one best didn't we? Seems like it was better shade and access... Maybe we don't need one of the larger spots if we are focusing mostly on the fishing? What are others thoughts on this? I'm not familiar with facilities at the south marina, would there be a better spot over on that side? Thanks all we appreciate your thoughts and comments so we can make a good gathering.... Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
(02-17-2022, 02:09 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: Shawn if you want to push it to the 21st you'll probably need to run it without my help... Farming kicks in to where I won't be available to help pull things together as the month of May progresses... the week before on the 14th is iffy, but I could probably still help depending on how this year plays out... But i know it needs to work for the group not me, so I'm fine with whatever the group would like to do... Guess we need to check on availability too, we might be too late to get a spot already. What was the north pavilion?  Was that one Eagles cove? I think the south was Pelican bay... We liked the north one best didn't we?  Seems like it was better shade and access... Maybe we don't need one of the larger spots if we are focusing mostly on the fishing? What are others thoughts on this?  I'm not familiar with facilities at the south marina, would there be a better spot over on that side? Thanks all we appreciate your thoughts and comments so we can make a good gathering.... Later J

Jeff, I'm down for whenever, you need to be part of this, your the one that brought it up and its about socializing more than anything, I can fish Willard anytime its only 15minutes from my house and I am more than willing to take folks out whenever I go to show them what works for me. Personally I would prefer the North as I can shore land my boat near the Pavilions. You name the day and I'm all in.
I'm up for a flotilla.  Will have to decide on attendance based on location. Willard is ok for me because it's close. Utah Lake is good too. I just hope we have enough water to make safe launches at whatever location is chosen. 

I plan to start getting my boat ready in late March or early April if the weather allows.

Jeff, when a good consensus is reached by the majority of BFT members as to location and date, I'll be able to make a more informed decision.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
I suggest we see if the pavilion is available for either April 30 or May 7 and book it. Let that be the decider.

It looks like Eagle Beach Group site is available for April 30, May 7, or 14th. The fee is $200, which I will reimburse to whoever makes the reservation. But we'd best decide quickly.
What was the concern over the 14th of May? I know we had Mother's Day the week before, but I missed why the 14th wouldn't work? That seems to be a day that should be in the good fishing window and still before I'll be too busy with the farming... Unless this year is like last and I'm irrigating everything before the water is gone for the year... but we won't be able to guess that until it's here... If there isn't a reason for not doing it on the 14th, should we look at that day? Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Okay, folks. Let's decide on May 7 or 14. But let's decide today.

Whichever you pick, I'll make the pavilion reservation.
(02-17-2022, 03:28 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: What was the concern over the 14th of May?  I know we had Mother's Day the week before, but I missed why the 14th wouldn't work?  That seems to be a day that should be in the good fishing window and still before I'll be too busy with the farming... Unless this year is like last and I'm irrigating everything before the water is gone for the year... but we won't be able to guess that until it's here... If there isn't a reason for not doing it on the 14th, should we look at that day?  Later J

I agree, the 14th would be a good time to book it. That is usually the round about time when the catching gets good. From my experience in fishing Willard the best times are the middle of May to the middle of June.
I vote 14th.
I'm okay with the 14th as well. Rocky did you say you could get it booked, if so that would be great, if not I'll see if I can get it done between work issues today... Sorry it's a busy day, they are getting their moneys worth from me today... Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
I'll book it. That saves the hassle of me reimbursing somebody else. I'll wait until we get more votes.
Rocky, Jeff, 14  May is good for me if the pavilion can be reserved .
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
will be there
I'm good with the 14th.
I'll do my best to be there.
My wife is going to Maine for a week with her sister and mother and leaving me with the kids. I'm going to rack up so many brownie points that's as long as my boat is running I'll be there. Craig, Brett, if you guys want to join me that would be fine if all things work out right.
Since there were no dissenters and all agreement, I have reserved the Eagle Beach Group Pavilion (North Marina) for May 14th.

The Floatilla is on! It's up to you folks if you want to make it a BYO event or if people will bring food for all to share.

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