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Utah Lake catfishing
I've been remiss in reporting over the last couple of weeks. So I'll summarize. I've gone solo and with Brett twice, Mooseman once. We have tied or virtually tied nearly every trip. On a short trip Mooseman and I each got five. Brett and I tied once at 10 and were nearly there again last Saturday until he got a flurry and ended with 14 to my 11 (I think). I caught a 29"er and a 28.5". Now my biggest three are 29, 28.5, and 28. If my pictures show what I saw with my naked eye, I should have 85.5 points in the contest which puts me in about seventh place with a lot of tough nuts above me on the leader board. We used a bunch of different baits. Of course, wb worked well, but other baits did as well or possibly better. Two surprises were little smokies in secret sauce and cut chub. The smokies worked well on both trips and even though we only tried chub one day, it was the most consistent producer for me, alongside the smokies.

The water temperatures have climbed up from 72-75° a couple of weeks ago to 77-84° last Saturday. The sun has been relentless and I have the lips to prove it. I'll be buying 50 SPF lip balm before I head out today. I wore a wide-brimmed hat expecting it to shield me but I guess I got some sneaky rays coming up off the water as I ended up with burn on the bosses of my cheeks and my nose, but none on my ears. Still trying to sort out what I want to use for sunscreen; so many options, so many opinions. I am about settled on stick sunblock with a mineral like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to physically block the rays. I've read some strong opinions about the drawbacks of chemical blockers. More research is needed, but any sunscreen is better than none for now.

If you go be very wary of the skinny water and the lurking rocks. I suppose you can still launch at Lincoln Beach but my prop found a rock that stuck up higher than the others right by the dock. The water level is below 50% now. Provo is much better: the harbor is still relatively deep and the channel has around 3-4 fow if you stay in the deepest part. I trusted the red buoys to keep me out of the rocks but they are set way too wide. I found that I had to stay much closer to the green ones. Caveat sailor or something like that.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
See my sunblock post in Off Topic.

I just had my annual skin cancer checkup, and the dermatologist said whatever protection I'm using is fabulous. So it isn't just DuBob and me saying BullFrog is the best.

I also HIGHLY recommend neck gaiters (face shields) that not only give sun protection but are cooling as well. Buffs are the best known, but pricey. I order mine from SA Fishing for their bargain deals. Like these...
On Monday, I also discovered that one doesn't want to vary very far from the center of the channel while in the marina. My prop hit bottom, but no new damage was done to it.
(07-20-2022, 01:09 PM)catchinon Wrote: I've been remiss in reporting over the last couple of weeks. So I'll summarize. I've gone solo and with Brett twice, Mooseman once. We have tied or virtually tied nearly every trip. On a short trip Mooseman and I each got five. Brett and I tied once at 10 and were nearly there again last Saturday until he got a flurry and ended with 14 to my 11 (I think). I caught a 29"er and a 28.5". Now my biggest three are 29, 28.5, and 28. If my pictures show what I saw with my naked eye, I should have 85.5 points in the contest which puts me in about seventh place with a lot of tough nuts above me on the leader board. We used a bunch of different baits. Of course, wb worked well, but other baits did as well or possibly better. Two surprises were little smokies in secret sauce and cut chub. The smokies worked well on both trips and even though we only tried chub one day, it was the most consistent producer for me, alongside the smokies.

The water temperatures have climbed up from 72-75° a couple of weeks ago to 77-84° last Saturday. The sun has been relentless and I have the lips to prove it. I'll be buying 50 SPF lip balm before I head out today. I wore a wide-brimmed hat expecting it to shield me but I guess I got some sneaky rays coming up off the water as I ended up with burn on the bosses of my cheeks and my nose, but none on my ears. Still trying to sort out what I want to use for sunscreen; so many options, so many opinions. I am about settled on stick sunblock with a mineral like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to physically block the rays. I've read some strong opinions about the drawbacks of chemical blockers. More research is needed, but any sunscreen is better than none for now.

If you go be very wary of the skinny water and the lurking rocks. I suppose you can still launch at Lincoln Beach but my prop found a rock that stuck up higher than the others right by the dock. The water level is below 50% now. Provo is much better: the harbor is still relatively deep and the channel has around 3-4 fow if you stay in the deepest part. I trusted the red buoys to keep me out of the rocks but they are set way too wide. I found that I had to stay much closer to the green ones. Caveat sailor or something like that.

Devon and I tried to match the day you and I had and we launched out of provo and spent 3 hours trolling in "'s" patterns, straight lines everything I could think of and managed 2 fish for Devon is all and they came on flaits with jello chicken.. Tonight my wife, 2 youngest and me went to mulberry beach and caught nada from shore. So your doing great Craig. Just be careful not to damage that new prop lol
Craig, you've got to enter those fish if you want them to count. I haven't seen an entry and if you can post here, you can enter them there, so the clock is ticking... Not that I will get them scored very soon, but just to be fair with the other contestants, we try to keep things to the week to get them entered. Supposed to prevent sandbagging, so folks don't hide big ones to the last minute to post... But it also gives us a chance to ask for more details while the post is fresh in case there are any questions... Thanks Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!

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