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me and my dad were fishing the jordan river the other day and he landed to yellow channle cats that were about 5-6 pounds i was just wondering what would cause them to turn yellow there food,envronment or the fact that winter just got over
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Liver problems are a possible diagnosis.
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wow! two channels in the early season... what area of the river did u catch those brutes? what kind bait where they hitting? and what time of day where they caught?
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We were about 30th so. caught both on a piece of smelt.
fished from 4:00 to 6:15pm
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they were more than likely big mud cats not channel cats.. or bullheads i think they are called.. i have caught lotts of them down there.. they can get in th 5 to 8 lbs rainge..
from the fuzzyfisher------------------------fish on dudes
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[cool][blue][size 1]Channel cats can have quite a few different colors, even in the same waters. It is not unusual for them to be a golden color...especially the prespawn females. [/size][/blue]
[#0000ff][size 1]Male channels, on the other hand, often become blue or even black...again mostly during the spawn but not always. In Utah they are often called blue cats or blue channels. However, there are no TRUE blue cats in Utah.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]The yellow bullhead seldom gets over about a pound. Back east, the flathead is sometimes called a yellow cat, and gets over a hundred pounds. No flatheads in Utah either.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]I'm guessing you got some cold water female channel cats.[/size][/#0000ff]
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I'm sure they were channel cats. bull heads have a round tail channels have a forked tail. These were definatly forked.
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Not to mention you'd have a new world record if you caught a 8 lb. black bullhead catfish!!!
The Utah State record bullhead is only 3 lb. 4 oz.
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I am pretty sure that there are no bullheads in utah bigger than 3-4lbs.
the biggest i have seen or caught came out of cutler res. and it was like 2lbs. but definitly not in the jordan..
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Back in the day when I used to fish the Jordan (1980's), when the water was somewhat clear, nearly all of the channel cats I caught were an olive color, some dramatically so. I also see this in channel cats caught in usually clear water reservoirs like Lake Mead or Lake Powell.
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There's some 5 lbers in Pelican. I've broken em off before on my bass spinner baits. In the jordan last year, too, I caught 3 or 4 that were huge. 2-3 lbs. Their still swimming today.
They were probly pre-spawn channels. I've caught one down there last year with that same coloration.
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ok but an 5lber in the jordan.... very unlikly... maybe in the upper sectoins but i grew up fishing the jordan with none bigger than 2lbs.... did get one in cutler around 3 once.
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2 years ago on the Jordan my daughter pulled up a 24" channel just below the pumps took her half an hour to pull it in. She caught it with a godzilla 24" pole one of those kiddie poles that the reel is part of the pole. It was pushing 4lbs and very very fat felt like we were pulling up a tire!
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about a while ago i caught a 31 incher out of there by the pumphouses. 20 to 25 inchers are not uncommen we usually take shrimp worms chicken liver and carp meat they hit on diferrent things every time.
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[laugh]I love those little poles! My son has a tasmanian devil pole with the reel biult on to it, even the littlest fish feel good size.And MAAAAN! THOSE LITTLE POLES CAN CAST[shocked]!
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TIBBZZ: Its my daughters favorite!