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New Spring Kit
So I've had a Thompson Encore Pro-Hunter single shot rifle for years.  I have used it as a muzzle loader and rifle depending on what I'm hunting that year and it's always had this really stiff trigger.  So in preparation to take my moose this year I ordered a new spring kit to make my trigger pull a little lighter so hopefully I won't flinch when I touch off the .300 Win Mag round... Well last night I finally had time to do the gun smithing... Luckily I had a good video that showed me how to do it because when I pulled the pins everything fell apart and I figured I'd ruined my gun....  We'll it was a really good tutorial and helped me get it all back together and those new spings made the gun so much different, it went from a trigger that was so stiff I almost had to jerk it to touch it off, to one I'm a little scared of because it goes so easy now... Got to go shoot it tonight, but I'm sure it will improve my flinch because it will fire with the slightest pull now.  I'm going to have to learn to not start pulling the trigger if I'm not dialed in, in the past I'd start to pull as the crosshairs were approaching where I wanted them, now I'll have to make sure they are there before I put any weight on the trigger... I think I'll really like this update, but I'm going to need to get used to it...  I have a .223 or 6.5 mm Creedmore barrel for it, so maybe I'll start with those to get used to the trigger so the ammo isn't as expensive as the .300 Win... Won't help my dialing in of the moose gun, but hopefully will help know what to expect trigger wise.... Plus I like to shoot and it will give me an excuse for burning ammo... Have you guys had similar issues with your rifles and have you tried a trigger update?  Did you like it?  Thanks J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Sure have, there only a couple that I havent had to adjust or get new, it make the gun a lot nicer to shoot, most my guns are at 3-4 lbs trigger pull, a couple with less, just remember to feel the trigger first and be carful with gloves on.
[Image: download.jpg]
(09-26-2024, 09:52 PM)MSM1970 Wrote: Sure have, there only a couple that I havent had to adjust or get new,  it make the gun a lot nicer to shoot, most my guns are at 3-4 lbs trigger pull, a couple with less, just remember to feel the trigger first and be carful with gloves on.

I tried it last night and burned 14 rounds of the 6.5 mm creedmore... I love the new lighter trigger, it's much better, but I did get one premature discharge... Wasn't quite on the zero, but was only an inch low, so not far off the mark... Boy I sure can't shoot like all the YouTubers.. My groups were about 2" at 100 yards, but I was also shooting off a sand bag as a front rest and not very solid... in fact I'm still flinching even with the smaller rifle... Supposedly that 6.5 isn't supposed to kick much so you can stay on target after it goes off, but it sure blows me off the zero point... Changed the barrel to the .300 Win last night, so I'll try a couple shots and see if it's still close enough to take for the moose.  Hopefully it will be close so I don't have to buy a new box of ammo for the hunt.. Those $3 per shot shells are hard to afford very many to practice with... oh and there's no way I'd dare wear gloves with this trigger, it's too light of pull... Nice but will require caution... I'm glad the gun has a hammer, so you don't have that concern until you cock it...  Thanks for the thoughts... Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
I shot my moose with a 7mm and it went right down, so I doubt you would have any problem with using a 6.5 but I understand your concern. By the way, don't they use the 6.5 creedmore in Sweden to hunt moose? Good luck on your hunt Jeff.
Hey Curt, thanks for the thoughts... I have heard the Swedes use the 6.5 mm bullet on moose, so I'm sure it could work..., but I shot the winny the other night and wow, it has a lot more power, so I'm pretty sure I'll go with plenty of power... It was amazing the difference in impact... Plus it might be the only thing I'll ever use that barrel on now I have the 6.5 for deer... However, if I'm hunting long range maybe I'd take the winny, it's pretty amazing you can push big bullets that fast so they'll shoot a long ways... Anyway getting excited for next week... One week and counting... Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Just as a wrap up, the Winny worked well for a moose... One shot at 200 yards put it down... 200 gr bullet, I think it had a 2860 fps at muzzle... I did have to shoot through some brush and I think it caused the bullet to tumble and it made a baseball size entry wound, but exited in a small hole after going through the spine... Anyway was a fun hunt even though it was too hot and the animals only came out about a half hour before dark... Made it hard to find many animals, so I ended up with a small bull, but it was close to the truck so they say that counts as a bigger bull..  150 yards downhill to haul it out, so I was pretty blessed... Later J

[Image: IMG-1306.jpg]
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Congrats Jeff, should be good eating. How wide is the rack? Looks like a decent one to me.
Well done Jeff
Way to get it done Jeff. Nice!

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