03-21-2004, 12:51 AM
[center][#ff0000]Blacktail Dam[/#ff0000]
[center]County: Williams County [/center] [center][/center] [center]Location: Five miles north, 5 miles west, 1/2 mile north of north junction of Highway 2 and 85[/center] [center]Fishing pier, campground[/center] [center]Species: pike, perch, walleye, bluegill, smallmouth bass [/center]
[center]County: Williams County [/center] [center][/center] [center]Location: Five miles north, 5 miles west, 1/2 mile north of north junction of Highway 2 and 85[/center] [center]Fishing pier, campground[/center] [center]Species: pike, perch, walleye, bluegill, smallmouth bass [/center]