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Rockport update Thurs 1/30/25
Hit Rockport again today, we started at about 12:30 pm fished until
About 4Pm . We Tried near the spot we fished last trip, no action in 5 minutes. Time to move, brother relocated to a spot about 400 yards away. Moved over by him non stop from first drop till we left. Depth 30 feet. I started counting when I hit bottom and closed bail, the average was a 3 count for a bite, the longest I counted was 20 and that was only once or twice. I never even bothered to set up my fish-finder. My Brothers was solid fish constantly, I figured why take the time. We lost count of how many we caught, I’m sure in the hundreds. 
Kept 42 9- 10.5 Inches, we let countless 8.5-9 inch go and tons of dinks. They all swam back down easy from that depth. Action is fast when you find them and the size varies by area. My brother talked with a guy closer to the ramp area and he said all he could get were
[Image: IMG-7596.jpg]

[Image: IMG-7597.jpg]

Dinks. My brother told him a general area and depth to try to try. About an hour later he showed up nearby us, he started getting into them right away and he said the size was much better , thanks for heads up. The Ice is growing, I’m guessing 10inches plus now, I didn’t measure but the auger time and depth to Get through was noticeably more from just a few days ago. The Weather is supposed to get warmer wet and or snowy for a few days and even nights but the ice should hold up until it chills down again. Should be lots of good action to come.

Good luck!
time spent fishing isn't deducted from ones life
Wow, what a great day. Thanks for the report.

I need to move more when I ice fish.
Yes, when I’m chasing perch 5 minutes max no action, I’m moving and sometimes just 10 or 20 yards. For me Im sure it makes a difference, moving till I find fish and or active/biting fish pays off. Ive had days where guys have said it was dead for them and later found out I was there and only a few hundred yards away and it was good for us? Years ago on pine view I vividly remember a day when we were catching them and it stopped dead. Had a camera down and saw fish but no action almost sleeping right on bottom? Moved 20 yards game on fish biting. So moving can pay big dividends.
Good luck!
time spent fishing isn't deducted from ones life
Great job, and what an enjoyable post to read after some so-so outings at RP.  Perhaps there is hope for the rest of us.  Difficult for me to go that late, tho I've heard the perch fishing improves late afternoon.  Even early is tough for me, but heading back to Echo tomorrow, aiming for a 7:30 start.
I appreciate your report.  Hoping to take my 2 yr old grandson out this weekend, weather permitting!
I like sleeping in ! I was chilling on the couch till 10:30, then brother texted and mentioned he was going to go, so I quickly threw my stuff together, grabbed a sandwich , hooked up the wheeler trailer and headed out the door, met him up there.
We were fishing by 12:30 and home for dinner before 6 ! Perfect day, Sunny, not much wind and we didn’t have to take ice tents down , because we never put them up!
Great day of fishing. Earliest I’ve hit the lake is 9 am this year. I think this was trip #5 for me , brother at least 3 or 4 more times than me , we have done well every trip so far. Fingers crossed for at least a couple more.
time spent fishing isn't deducted from ones life
Great report, thank you very much for a fun update... Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Sounds like a good time! I’m going to give it a try tomorrow, but likely early AM and off ice around 2. Hoping to find them en mass!
Good luck, I hope you get into them, should be good fishing hope the wind weather is not too bad.
We Postponed outing I had planned, thought weather would be an issue with a few newbies and youngsters. I’ll get up there again soon when weather settles down. Will report after next trip.
time spent fishing isn't deducted from ones life

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