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Bear Lake Fishing and Access Conditons Report
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#8000ff][size 2]Updated Friday, April 2, 2004. Currently we are in the transition period between ice cover and open water at Bear Lake. Ice remains on approximately 75% of the lake. The open water is mainly along the south end of the lake. The ice that is still on the lake is thick and cannot be navigated by boats. The Utah State Park marina is now ice-free, however, there is very little open water off the marina. We do not advise anglers to attempt to launch boats. The wind may come up and cause you be blocked off from the marina or you may even risk having your boat crushed by the moving ice. There has not been anyone fishing on the lake this last week. Construction of additional boat ramps at the Utah State Park marina is now approximately ½ way completed. The new fish cleaning station was installed this past week, but it will not be operational for a few more weeks. It was long overdue and will make a nice addition to the marina. I will keep the access reports updated at a minimum of once per week and let anglers know as soon as the lake is ice-free and fishable.[/size][/#8000ff][/font]
thanks for the update scott
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#0000ff]Scott: Thats some realy Good, Good; info! Thanks for the post. One can never under estemate Mother Nature![/#0000ff][/size][/font]

Thanks for keeping us current on the conditions up there.
I am awaiting to get my boat up there. Keep up the good posts!!!!

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