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Has any one caught any of the big ones yet this season?<br>If you have or when you do tell us about it. Were? When? How did you do it?<br><br>Gheck out some of last years big ones at this link:<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br><br><br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
my dog had one cornered in a tree yesterday. (just kiddin)<br><br>havent caught one in years hope to try for some this year.<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
I watched on TLC a short program that showed them catching them with nylon rope, big hook and live goldfish for bait. It said that the biggest ones are in the Ohio and the Mississippi rivers. <br>Does any one know what the record for the states is?<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Not positive but isn't there one for like 105 lbs that was taken on Santee-Cooper. That is the biggest that I've heard of but then there are always those stories about some big enough to swallow a person seen by divers at the bases of some of the older large dams like Kentucky lake and Barkley. <br><br>
my grandpa got one about 140 pounds in kentuky so I know that there are bigger ones caught he didnt have the record.<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
SSOR...GOLDfish?....i`ve alwaze bin told they were illegal ta use fur bait....sump`n ta dew with`em git`n off n reproduce`n like rabbits n over run`n a lake,pond R whatever...this not tru?<br>i`ve bin BS`ed all this tyme?.....Bsafe!<br><br>
I don't know about using a nylon rope, they stretch too much for my liking. I prefer a rod and reel to catch them, something about "man against fish" that gets my blood flowing.<br> And a side note. Field and Stream is supposedly stopping publication with the June issue. And I have a five year subscription with them.<br> Sooner than we want, web sites like this will be the only fishing information available.<br><br>
Houdy ChrisP<br>your are right about cold fish and gold minows at least here in michigan they are not allowed. diferent states have different laws. (so make sure you pick up a rules packet for hedden twards the water)<br><br>Houdy johnincolorado <br>I havent herd any thing about the closing of this publication. this may have a lot to do with the economy and the mags remaining on the shelves.<br><br>at one time you could not walk in to a doctors office insurance office or any waiting and reception room with out seeing a copy of feild and stream. now you can bet any amount of money that you wont find a copy in any of those places mentioned. <br><br>last month i ran in to a lady in the doc's office and she saw me with a gardening mag and she about fliped with excitement. aperently she hasnt seen one in years. I gave it to her (I get several a week in the mail)<br><br>It would seem that the good o'l boys are for the most part gone leaving behind the politicaly incorect.<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
There are several pictures of some big blues that were caught on the Mississippi River. Go to the "pic page" on site.<br><br>U.S.-C.A.T.S. - Where the Catfish Angler RULES!<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
ChrisP,<br>I believe you are corect on the laws in some states. hte show I was watching I believe made a note about checking on state laws before using Goldfish for bait. A few years back my pond had to be drained to get rid of the goldfish as they had taken over. this info came from a long time local that helped with the job before I got the place. He also said that there are some big cats over 15 lb in there. In the last 8 years the only cat caught from the pond was by my grandson on Easter of this year. He is one heck of an angler at the old age of 4.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
uscats,<br>First I want to welcome you to the BFT Board. I also want to thank you for your post and the link. It is a verry good site for info and pics of big cats. In looking at the picks I see some verry impressive fish but, I know that none are near the record size. Do you know where we can find info on the record for the Big Cats? There might be a link on the site but It has aluded me!<br><br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Try going to for pictures of record fish. I am not aware of a site that has record fish only.<br><br>U.S.-C.A.T.S. - Where the Catfish Angler RULES!<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Just a quick thank you for the info and it will help alot for my hunt for the record cats.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Now that is what I call A BIG CAT. Did you see the wiskers on that one. Verry Nice. Thanks<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Dwight<br> I believe that is a picture of Virgil Agee. Possibly the only man to catch 3 catfish on rod and reel that exceeded 100 pounds.<br><br><a href="">Katchaser</a><br><br>Catchabiggun,<br> Robby
Hello Robby,<br>Yes your right thats Virgil.<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br><br>[laugh] How about a good laugh?<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A> <br><br>Mike H

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