04-12-2004, 12:20 AM
[center][font "Aachen BT"][size 3]The Clinch Knot[/size][/font][/center]
[font "Aachen BT"][size 2]1.Pass the line through the hook, or swivel.
2.Double back and coil the free end Four or five turns around the main line.
3.Put the end of the line through the first loop, above the eye, and then through the large loop.
4.Slide the coils down tight against the eye. [/size][/font] [center][font "Aachen BT"][size 3]The Uniknot[/size][/font][/center]
[font "Aachen BT"][size 2]1. Pass the line through the eye and form a loop.
2. Bring the end back on itself, passing it under the doubled part.
3.Make four or five loops over the doubled part.
4.Pull the end to form the knot.
5. Slide the pulled knot to the eye of the knot or swivel. [/size][/font] [center][font "Aachen BT"][size 3]The Dropper Loop[/size][/font][/center]
[font "Aachen BT"][size 2]1. Form a loop in the line.
2. Hold one side of the loop, and make 6 or more turns around the line itself.
3. Open the point where the turns, or twists, are being made.
4. Take hold of the other side of the loop, and pull it through the centre opening.
5. Hold this loop between the teeth. Pull gently on both ends of the line, making the turns gather and pack down on either side of the loop.
6. Draw up the knot by pulling the lines as tightly as possible.[/size][/font] [center][font "Aachen BT"][size 3]The Spider Hitch[/size][/font][/center]
[font "Aachen BT"][size 2]1.Form a loop of the desired length, say 1.25m.
2.Twist a section into a small loop.
3.This is the only tricky part - hold this loop with thumb and forefinger, the thumb extending above the finger, and with the loop standing up beyond the tip of the thumb.
4.Wind the doubled line around the thumb and the loop 5 times.
5.Send the rest of the long loop through the small loop, and pull gently to unwind the turns off the thumb.
6.The knot is now formed and worked into tight coils.[/size][/font] [center][font "Aachen BT"][size 3]The Polamar[/size][/font][/center]
[font "Aachen BT"][size 2]1. Form a loop in the line and pass it through the eye of the hook.
2. Pass the loop end over the double and back through the circle formed (A double line half hitch).
3. After forming the half hitch pass the hook through the original loop and pull tight.[/size][/font] [url "http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knots2.html#Albright knot"][font "Aachen BT"][#606420][size 3]ALBRIGHT KNOT[/size][/#606420][/font][/url] [center][size 4]The albright knot is most commonly used for joining monofilament lies of unequal diameters,for creating shock leaders and when bimini twist is tied in the end of lighter casting line. It is also used for connecting monofilament to wire.[/size] [/center] [left]1. Bend a loop in the tag end of the heavier line and hold between thumb and forefinger of left hand. insert the tag end of the lighter line thru the loop, from the top.[/left]
2. Slip tag end of lighter line under your left thumb and pinch it tightly against the heavier strands of the loop. wrap the first turn of the lighter line over itself and continue wrapping toward the round end of the loop. Take at least 12 turns with the lighter line.
3. insert tag end of the lighter line through end of loop, from the bottom. it must enter and leave the loop on the same side.
4. with the thumb and forefinger of left hand. slide the coils of lighter towards end of loop. stop 1/3 from end of loop, using pliers, pull tag end of lighter line tight to keep coils from slipping off loop.
5. with your hand still holding the heavier line pull on the standing part of the lighter line. Pull the tag end of the lighter line and the standing part a second time. pull the standing part of the heavy mono and the standing part of the light line.
6. Trim both tag ends.
[url "http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knots2.html#FISHING"][#606420]top[/#606420][/url] [url "http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knots2.html#Arbor Knot"][#606420]ARBOR KNOT[/#606420][/url] [center][size 4]The Arbor Knot provides the angler with a quick, easy connection for attaching line to the reel spool.[/size] [/center] 1. pass line around reel ardor
2. Tie an overhand knot around the standing line. then tie a second overhand knot in the tag end.
3. Pull tight and snip off excess. snug down first overhand knot on the reel arbor.
[url "http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knots2.html#FISHING"][#606420]top [/#606420][/url] BERKLEY BRAID KNOT[/url]
This special knot has been extensively tested by the berkley R&D staff. and has proven to be one of the best for use with the new braided lines. 1. Run double loop through eye of hook or lure.
2. loop around end of line and standing part of braided line 8 times.thread double loop back between the eye and coils.
3. tighten knot with a steady even tension with out hesitation. trim double loop and end of braided line, leaving about 1/4"
[left][size 6] [/size][url "http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knots2.html#FISHING"][#606420][size 6] top [/size][/#606420][/url][size 6] [/size][size 6]DOUBLE SURGEONS LOOP[/size][/url] [/left] [center]The double surgeon's loop is a quick easy way to tie a loop in the end of a leader. It is often used as part of a leader system because it is relatively strong. [/center] 1. Double the tag end of the line, make a single overhand knot in the double line.
2 Hold the tag end and standing part of the line in your left hand and bring the loop around and insert through the overhand knot.
3. Hold the loop in your right hand. hold the tag end and standing line in your left hand.
4. Moisten the knot in water and pull to tighten . Trim tag end to about 1/8".
[left][size 6] [/size][url "http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knots2.html#FISHING"][#606420][size 6]top [/size][/#606420][/url][size 6] [/size][size 6]IMPROVED BLOOD KNOT[/size][/url] [/left] [center]The improved blood knot is used for tying two pieces of monofilament together of relatively equal diameters. [/center] [center]1. Overlap the ends of the two strands that are to be joined, and twist them together about 10 times.[/center]
2. Separate one of the center twists and place the two ends through the space as illustrated.
3. pull knot together and trim off the tag ends.
[left] [url "http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knots2.html#FISHING"][#606420][size 6]top [/size][/#606420][/url][size 6] [/size][size 6]KING SLING KNOT[/size][/url] [/left] [center]The King Sling Knot offers the angler an easy to tie end loop knot which is used primarily as a connection for crank baits. This knot allows the lure to work freely, making it more lifelike, and resulting in more strikes. [/center] 1. Insert tag end of line through artificial bait eye. Form a loop about 4 inches.
2. Hold the tag end and the standing line in your left hand, and form a loop,
3. With the bait in your right hand make four turns around the tag end and the standing line above the loop.
4. Bring bait down and through loop.
5. To tighten hold line above the loop length and pull the tag end and the standing line at the same time. trim tag ends.
[left][size 6] [/size][url "http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knots2.html#FISHING"][#606420][size 6]top [/size][/#606420][/url][size 6] [/size][size 6]NAIL KNOT[/size][/url] [/left] [center]The Nail Knot is generally used to attach fly line to fly line backing. This knot can also be used to attach a leader to the line. This makes a strong smooth knot that rolls out when casting. The Nail Knot is good for attaching two lines of different diameters. [/center] 1. Hold nail or needle, tip of fly line and backing material between thumb and forefinger. Wrap backing 6 or 7 times. Wind carefully for a tight smooth knot. Stick end of backing between nail and fly line.
2. Remove nail. Holding coils carefully between thumb and forefinger. Alternately pull both ends of backing with free hand to tighten,
3. Snip off excess backing and end of fly line. ![[Image: n3.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/n3.gif)
![[Image: knot4.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knot4.gif)
2.Double back and coil the free end Four or five turns around the main line.
3.Put the end of the line through the first loop, above the eye, and then through the large loop.
4.Slide the coils down tight against the eye. [/size][/font] [center][font "Aachen BT"][size 3]The Uniknot[/size][/font][/center]
![[Image: knot7.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knot7.gif)
2. Bring the end back on itself, passing it under the doubled part.
3.Make four or five loops over the doubled part.
4.Pull the end to form the knot.
5. Slide the pulled knot to the eye of the knot or swivel. [/size][/font] [center][font "Aachen BT"][size 3]The Dropper Loop[/size][/font][/center]
![[Image: knot18.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knot18.gif)
2. Hold one side of the loop, and make 6 or more turns around the line itself.
3. Open the point where the turns, or twists, are being made.
4. Take hold of the other side of the loop, and pull it through the centre opening.
5. Hold this loop between the teeth. Pull gently on both ends of the line, making the turns gather and pack down on either side of the loop.
6. Draw up the knot by pulling the lines as tightly as possible.[/size][/font] [center][font "Aachen BT"][size 3]The Spider Hitch[/size][/font][/center]
![[Image: knot13.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knot13.gif)
2.Twist a section into a small loop.
3.This is the only tricky part - hold this loop with thumb and forefinger, the thumb extending above the finger, and with the loop standing up beyond the tip of the thumb.
4.Wind the doubled line around the thumb and the loop 5 times.
5.Send the rest of the long loop through the small loop, and pull gently to unwind the turns off the thumb.
6.The knot is now formed and worked into tight coils.[/size][/font] [center][font "Aachen BT"][size 3]The Polamar[/size][/font][/center]
![[Image: palomar.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/palomar.gif)
2. Pass the loop end over the double and back through the circle formed (A double line half hitch).
3. After forming the half hitch pass the hook through the original loop and pull tight.[/size][/font] [url "http://www.calntisa.com/fish/knots2.html#Albright knot"][font "Aachen BT"][#606420][size 3]ALBRIGHT KNOT[/size][/#606420][/font][/url] [center][size 4]The albright knot is most commonly used for joining monofilament lies of unequal diameters,for creating shock leaders and when bimini twist is tied in the end of lighter casting line. It is also used for connecting monofilament to wire.[/size] [/center] [left]1. Bend a loop in the tag end of the heavier line and hold between thumb and forefinger of left hand. insert the tag end of the lighter line thru the loop, from the top.[/left]
![[Image: pict1.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/pict1.gif)
![[Image: pict2.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/pict2.gif)
![[Image: pict3.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/pict3.gif)
![[Image: pict4.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/pict4.gif)
![[Image: pict5.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/pict5.gif)
![[Image: pict6.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/pict6.gif)
![[Image: a1.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/a1.gif)
![[Image: a2.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/a2.gif)
![[Image: a3.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/a3.gif)
This special knot has been extensively tested by the berkley R&D staff. and has proven to be one of the best for use with the new braided lines. 1. Run double loop through eye of hook or lure.
![[Image: bb1.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/bb1.gif)
![[Image: bb2.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/bb2.gif)
![[Image: bb3.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/bb3.gif)
![[Image: sl1.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/sl1.gif)
![[Image: sl2.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/sl2.gif)
![[Image: sl3.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/sl3.gif)
![[Image: sl4.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/sl4.gif)
![[Image: bl1.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/bl1.gif)
![[Image: bl2.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/bl2.gif)
![[Image: bl3.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/bl3.gif)
![[Image: ks1.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/ks1.gif)
![[Image: ks2.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/ks2.gif)
![[Image: ks3.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/ks3.gif)
![[Image: ks4.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/ks4.gif)
![[Image: ks5.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/ks5.gif)
![[Image: n1.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/n1.gif)
![[Image: n2.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/n2.gif)
![[Image: n3.gif]](http://www.calntisa.com/fish/n3.gif)