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Stocking ?
I was reviewing last years fish stocking info and some of the codes I could figure out for the species stocked but a few are hard to tell. Anyone have a list of what the codes are exactly. For Yuba they show rainbows RTER and these codes - PCYL & SFBL. I am guessing the SFBL are perch because the number stocked matches (50000) what I heard. Anyone have an idea what the PCYL code may be? Pike? Walleye? I heard they did not stock any eyes yet so what could it be? That sight is really informative if you want to know how many fish and where they do stock them. I was amazed at the pounds of fish this state stocks - it is impressive.
Post the question on [url ""][/url] and Wayne will answer it for you.
I was thinking it was PCYL = perch, yellow. And SFBL meant sunfish (bluegill).

I dunno. Anybody else?


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