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Weber River - 4/15
Thought it might be a good day to get out, it being tax day and "just because".

Fished the Weber again yesterday afternoon with Sparky, this time just below Echo at the "club". Caught several whites and browns, mostly on the prince nymph. The bragging fish included an 18 1/2 white, 2 - 19" and a 21" brown that took me all day to retrieve to hand.

Had a funny thing happen yesterdy, (always something happens, i.e. moose story). Was having pretty good action, had lost my lower(scud) but kept on fihing with my prince since that was what I was getting em on, too lazy to take the time to add another. Well, for the last hour I wasn't getting anything, just hesitations, bumps (snags?), etc. once in a while. Well, decided to call it quits, reeled in, went to hook my fly in my pole - found that I had nothing to hook with, great fly but no hook portion, no wonder! This has happened a couple of times befor - you'd think I'd learn! LOL This happen to you guys too? Please say yes so I don't feel so stupid!!! LOL

Yeah, it is pretty aggrivating when you have been trolling for a half hour without any bites, and upon checking your line you find your hook is gone, apparently being lost to an un-noticed strike. What a waste of time.

Or worse yet, you find a very small, dead fish on your hook, the fish being so small that you couldn't tell it was there and you dragged it around so long that it in fact drowned. This happened a few times with a popgear and a worm setup on a fishing trip to Fish Lake one fall right after they had stocked a bazillion small rainbows.


I have that exact thing happen to me. I was fly fishing the Grays river in Wyoming dry fly and kept on missing the fish after about six or so I checked the fly no bend just fly. My learning years of throwing using a fly rod lots of times it sounded like a bull wip.Another time I broke the whole barb of a fly trying to get it out of my float tube netting no barb just a bend.

I had two fly on so I didn’t worry about replacing it the next fish I caught was on it .
Sure that happens to everyone. For me it's usually a matter of my hook being bent out from a snag or fish so I usually check it after a few "bumps" without any hookups.

Do you know how the water is between echo and rockport?

According to the utah real time measurement web site the river is running at 26 cfs with normal being 130 cfs. The water according to my observations is running from slightly stained to moderately stained depending where and time of day. All in all, conditions are pretty good. Try it out before they start irrigating!

Thanls for the info.

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