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Should .50 cal be banned?
I saw this article and wondered what the general consensus would be among hunters? Should the .50 cal be banned for sale to the public?

[url ""][/url]
I've used the .50 cal in the military. If somebody wants to own one so be it, but what are they going to use them for? They are big, bulky, and heavy, not really a hunting gun, unless you are hunting tanks!
Maybe somebody could use one of those to "encourage" OPEC to produce more oil so that i cna pay less then $2.00 a galon.

Or somebody could use them to hunt the ever dangerous low flying airplane
no as i shoot long distance and others do the same and if you start banning where do you stop.
[crazy]when ya git right down ot it!I BELIEVE, that whether ya ban em or not, whether ya scan to see who aquired them, check references, or do ALL WE CAN DO, with those rifles, guns, what ever, can git in wrong hands. they want em bad enough, they always find a ways. they sure wont go to no gun store to git em either to go thru the process of gittin a gun like you and i. but i member what gramp said, it,s not the gun, it,s who,s hands it,s in. and i do member that. what ever rifle pistol, gun, it is. even this 50 caliber. and it,s Sad to say it, but it is the truth. these jerks want em they,ll git em. wheter we want em to have em or not. and i do believe in what daymeres sayin, if those who dont want us to hunt start, to git their ways, also, and we ban it, it also opens, the door, to our other rifles. and then they also have the excuses.why we shouldnt have this one or that, let me ask you this, why should we have to pay fer what others do??? is htat what we learn our kids??? they should have to pay the price fer what they do, and their actions, NOT US! PUT IT WHERE IT SHOULD BE![Tongue]

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