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fFish limits how does it work?
If i catch my limit of tiger trout in huntington and then my limit of rainbow or cutts at E-lake does the tigers and other trout count as one species?
Yes they count as the same species, so you will only be able to have 4 trout, "2 rainbow and 2 tiger or 1 and 3"
[font "Arial"][size 1][left]Ocean, they do count as the same species and you would be breaking the law by having two bag limits for a single license. These are taking from the proclamation.[/left] [left] [/left] [left]Deffenitions:[/left] [left](1) “[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 1]Aggregate[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 1]” means the combined total of two or more species of fish or[/left] [left]two or more size classes of fish which are covered by a limit distinction (i.e., trout[/left] [left]and salmon in the aggregate).[/left][font "Arial"][size 1] [left](22) “[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 1]Possession limit[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 1]” means, for purposes of this proclamation only, one[/left] [left]bag limit, including fish at home, in a cooler, camper, tent, freezer or any other place[/left] [left]of storage.[/left][font "Arial"][size 1] [left](32)(a) “[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 1]Trout[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 1]” means species of the family Salmonidae, including rainbow,[/left] [left]albino, cutthroat, brown, golden, brook, lake/mackinaw, kokanee salmon, and[/left] [left]grayling or any hybrid of the foregoing.[/left] [left](b) “[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 1]Trout[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 1]” does not include whitefish or Bonneville cisco.[/size][/font][/left] [left][font "Arial"][size 1][/size][/font] [/left] [left][font "Arial"][size 1]Transporting of dead fish:[/size][/font][/left][font "Arial"][size 1][font "Arial"][size 1] [left](4) A person may not take more than one bag limit in any one-day or possess[/left] [left]more than one bag limit of each species or species aggregate regardless of the[/left] [left]number of days spent fishing.[/left] [left] [/left] [left]Bag and possesion limits:[/left] [left] [/left][font "Arial"][size 1] [left](6) The following bag and possession limits apply statewide, except as provided[/left] [left]in Section V. PROVISIONS FOR SPECIFIC WATERS and Section III.B.4. UNDERWATER[/left] [left]SPEARFISHING:[/left] [left](a) *Bluegill and green sunfish in the aggregate 50 fish[/left] [left](b) Bonneville cisco 30 fish[/left] [left]© *Brook trout Bonus limit on some specific waters[/left] [left](d) Bullhead 24 fish[/left] [left](e) *Channel catfish 8 fish[/left] [left](f) *Crappie 50 fish[/left] [left](g) Crayfish No Limit[/left] [left](h) *Largemouth and smallmouth bass in the aggregate 6 fish[/left] [left](i) Nongame species (except Prohibited species, page 9) No Limit[/left] [left](j) *Northern pike 6 fish[/left] [left](k) *Tiger muskellunge (hybrid) 1 fish over 40 inches[/left] [left](l) Sacramento perch 10 fish[/left] [left](m) Striped bass No Limit[/left] [left](n) *Trout, including salmon, grayling and hybrids in the aggregate, except[/left] [left]no more than two shall be lake trout/mackinaw 4 fish[/left] [left](o) *Walleye 6 fish[/left] [left](p) *Whitefish 10 fish[/left] [left](q) White bass No Limit[/left] [left]® Wiper (hybrid white bass x striped bass) 6 fish[/left] [left](s) *Yellow perch 20 fish[/left] [left]*On some waters, specific bag or size restrictions apply. (See Section V.[/left] [left]PROVISIONS FOR SPECIFIC WATERS for variations.)[/left][/size][/font][font "Arial"][#cf1d10][size 4] [left] [/left] [left] [/left][/size][/#cf1d10][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
You can only have 4 trout total , no matter what kind you have . and this is including your freezer at home .

Trout , including salmon ,grayling and hybrids in the aggregate , except no more than 2 shall be lake trout / mackinaw 4 fish limit

Brook trout may be the exception on certain waters .
clebreto is correct. it is always best to check if your are not sure. also remember if you call the dwr for info that you record date time and whom you spoke to so if there is a problem later you can reference it to that person. also if you can it it better to talk to an officer in the field as they are the ones that inforce the rules.
good luck fishing for tiger's they are fun to catch
Hey thanks for the info!
There are special regulations, however, for trout and kokanee salmon taken from Flaming Gorge. For that lake you can take 6 trout or salmon in the aggregate, but no more than 3 can be kokanees and only 1 lake trout can be more than 28" in length.
Ulimatley, make sure you know what the proc says and cary a copy in your boat/tackle box/vehicle or all three. You want to make sure and know the rules before you play.
One other note once a fish is held in or on a stringer, fish basket, livewell, or any other device, they can't be released.
actually that only applies to trout, salmon and grayling . . .[font "Arial"][size 1] [left](b) Once a trout, salmon or grayling is held in or on a stringer, fish basket,[/left] [left]livewell, or by any other device, a trout, salmon or grayling may not be[/left] [left]released.[/left] [left] [/left] [left]sm[/left][/size][/font]

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