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San Carlos Sportfishing<br>Fishing Report #33 Avril 2002<br>We did several trips during the Month of April and beginning of May with Guest coming from USA and France... We received The “Unforgetable” Don Bernie, the so “experienced” Donald, Alain “ the Jabiru Hunter”, Thierry “ the Cathedral Builder” and two anglers from Texas Larry and Robert both very experienced fishermen , was their first experience with tarpon, they did past the test as all other Guest except..???...( Our destination seams to be more and more known and apreciated in Texas as we did recieved 14 anglers coming from there since the beginning of the year..)<br> <br> We really had a lot of fun in all these Expeditions, some of the Guests pointing out than apart from fishing my trips are worst the trip for themselves for Discovery of the Rainforest, Wild life and so Friendly attitude of all our friends in Nicaragua. So fishing plus adventures and discovery of a remote JUNGLE area... <br><br>Fishing is closed in Rio Frio and Cano Negro in Costa Rica since the First of April, will open again at the end of July. Anyway I do not like so much to fish there as fishing is very Irregular...( One year than it is like that whatever I could read in some Fishing reports from Operators there...) . So in all these recent trip we went to Nicaragua ( Aboard my boats Via Los Chiles and Rio Frio ) and had good fishing. Not top: OK, meaning around 8/10 tarpons hit each day, average 3/4 on line...The size of some of these tarpon has been bigger than usual, we did had on line some monsters over 200lb...and One!!!! ( Hello Bernie ) all this in our now traditional spot of “Tarpon alley” close to San Carlos . We also had more snook than usual with size between 15lb to 20lb... specifically around the rapids of Sabalo . <br><br>Concerning Rainbow bass , Mojarra, Bass etc...Around Solentiname we had the usual fishing ..a 50/100 fish per day per angler...But I like to point out than we had problem for catching the big Lagunero ( Rainbow bass ) we only had a few... <br><br>Reason of all this relative so/so Fishing for us ( As well for Tarpon or Rainbow bass ) is than the level of San Juan River and Nicaragua Lake has been very very low...( I have been told the Lowest since 40 years..), so as we were in very hot sunny days ( Peack of dry season ) the water is Hot and fish are getting “ Lasy “ looking for the cool of bottom or stay in the depht of Nicaragua Lake.....<br><br>All is changing now as we did enter the rainy season, Rain is there ( Not the “ Deluge “ ..but good rain let say a few hours per day, Weather is cooler, it is in my opinion more agreable to fish...anyway we have all necesary rain gears aboard...) and I can with No Risk predict a very very good fishing in the Upper Rio San Juan and around Solentiname for the coming weeks and months...It is like that everyear ( Please Check my fishing Report of Last year for the months of June, July ,August and September at ) We will have our “Resident Tarpon” active and also will meet the large school of Tarpon on Upper San Juan River Migrating up and down???, Rainbow bass will be again at shore in Solentiname on Nicaragua Lake.<br><br>My booking is slow for the coming months...( Again I have to say than this is a pity because this period with the “ back of the rain” is one of the best of the year.) so I decided to make a special offer “ Green prices “ , a good Discount on my usual Pricing, and I also offer some shorter trip , as I am conscious than most Angler at this time of the year can only Escape for a few days from their work , so what about a “ 4 Days, 3 Nights, 2 Full fishing days FISHING PACKAGE ?...I invite all readers interested to be in contact with me at <br><br>My booking show than as every year I will start to be very busy from October...( If you wish to come let say from November till the end of February 2003 I sugest you get in contact with me soon ). <br>Philippe Tisseaux.<br>Email:<br> Web page:<br><br&gt;

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